
Values v. Votes

In France it’s about values!

Excerpts from President Sarkozy’s recent address to the French National Assembly:

"We shouldn’t be ashamed of our values. We shouldn’t be afraid to defend them,”

“We cannot accept to have in our country women who are prisoners behind netting, cut off from all social life, deprived of identity”

“The burka is not a sign of religion … the head-to-toe Islamic garment for women is not a symbol of religion but a sign of subservience for women … a sign of subjugation, of degradation of women”.

In Canada it’s about votes!

The federal government has no plans to move forward with proposed legislation to force veiled women to show their faces when voting, the Minister of State for Democratic Deform said Thursday.

"We have other priorities as far as increasing voter participation and with the expanded voting opportunities legislation," Steven Fletcher said in an interview.

"And that is our focus. That obviously will affect a lot more people."

CBC Friday, June 26, 2009