Boreal BooksSHOOTING THE MESSENGERTill Death Do Us Part
At the heart of Shooting the Messenger – Till Death Do Us Part is the story of my discovery of a multi-year, multi-million dollar fraud at the then Department of Foreign Affairs (Global Affairs) and my subsequent firing for failing to report the theft of additional millions. Without the help of a lawyer, which we could no longer afford, I appealed my dismissal all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. Till Death Do Us Part ends with my wife's passing on the afternoon of July 5, 2019, away from where she had hoped to die. Shooting the Messenger would make, at the very least, a gripping docudrama. Inquiries from producers welcomed. AMAZON: USA UK Canada Australia | Free PDF Part IEXTRA Part IIThe Impossible Report and the Missing Millions Tokyo Lets the Cat Out of the Bag The Return of the Double Standard The Ambassador and the Commissioner Trade Places EXTRA Part IIIR. G. Woolham and the Appraisal From Hell Thomas W. Brown and the Monstrous Lie In the Federal Court of Appeal In the Supreme Court of Canada Investigative Journalism, Canadian Style Mulroney and a Different Lesson Learned EXTRA Part IVLucette and that Damned Firing Doing Google Before Google Did Google Year 2000 at the Heart Institute Michael Cowpland and First Nations EXTRA Extinction - Inuits Part VFrom Witness to Malfeasance to that of Malevolence McKenna and a Penultimate Hope Belatedly Dashed