The Indispensable Four
Sex & Islam
A mix of reality and scriptures - Adults Only
Paperback, 168 pages
If I am able convince believers contemplating martyrdom not to be in such a hurry to get at those houris only to be disappointed, then the almost twenty
years I have dedicated to the study of the world's fastest growing religion will not have been in vain.
The dozen or so adult situation stories in PART I – Sex in the
Here-And-Now, some of which may bring more than a smile to your face, are not gratuitous.
Actual names (first names only) are used.
PART II – Sex in the Hereafter compares the experiences
revealed in PART I with what a martyr can expect in Paradise. A must-read for
anyone contemplating martyrdom because of what they have been told about sex in
the Hereafter, that the dead have better sex than the living.
Love, Sex & Islam could be easily converted into a socially
relevant, eye-opening screenplay and a movie, with no shades of grey, for a
target audience that needs to be made aware, for our sakes and theirs.
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Remembering Uzza
If Islam Was Explained to Me in a Pub
- Adults Only
Paperback, 452 pages
Remembering Uzza is meant to make learning about Islam a mostly pleasant experience while not sugar-coating or
leaving out the nasty bits. And, is there a better place to get acquainted with a religion that has everyone talking than in the relaxed
atmosphere of a favourite pub, in the company of friends and a troubled but engaging young woman to give you an insider's perspective?
Uzza is a story for our time that has the potential to change the course of things to come. Except for Uzza, and a short appearance by a couple from
a neighbouring municipality, all other characters, including Archie the bartender, are modeled on real patrons of a once-popular Ottawa nightspot.
To keep the conversation between Uzza, Johnny, Gerry, Bob and Archie as unaffected as possible, implicit and explicit references to verses of the
Koran and the sayings and actions of the Prophet are explained in a substantial supplement of endnotes.
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"We... particularly appreciate the level of thought that went into
crafting each character and their relationship with one another.
"A factor that we also take into consideration is that CBC does not
produce content in-house, we license content from production companies.
Because of this, we typically require projects to have a production company
attached to them before we can move forward with development or production
CBC Scripted Content Team
Inquiries from producers and impresarios looking to make a difference
Children and the Koran
The End of Empathy - Second Edition
Paperback, 136 pages
A lack of empathy, whether it be an instilled pathology or a manifestation of loyalty to one’s religionist community, which our governments and our courts have
encouraged by favouring religious distinctiveness over shared secular values,
means we can no longer count that love of country or respect for Western
civilization and what it stands for will see us through.
The threat that an absence of empathy and tribalism poses could be
significantly reduced if we made the Koran for adults only. By having you read what children who should be enjoying Babar the
Elephant or Cinderella are reading, I hope to convince you to try to do just
that—for their sake, and ours.
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Let Me Rephrase That!
Your Layman's Guide to Abrogations - Second Edition
Paperback, 100 pages
Earlier in Muhammad’s Call, Allah showed a measure of respect for other religions.
2:62 The believers (Muslims), the Jews, the Christians and the Sabians whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is good, shall
receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have nothing to fear and they shall not grieve.
As Islam became a force to be reckoned with, God's position towards other religions hardened and He sent down
revelations which invalidated what He said earlier about Jews, Christians and an
obscure sect having nothing to fear such as the following:
3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
Scholars have identified more than two hundred revealed truths that were abrogated by subsequent communications from Allah to Muhammad. These
ephemeral immutable facts and their abrogator(s), most of which, like Revelation 3:85 reflect a God's growing intolerance, is what Let
Me Rephrase That! wants to bring to your attention.
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Pain, Pleasure and Prejudice, the complete
Koran by topic and explained in a
way we can all understand, has been broken up into six paperbacks, all
priced under $18.00.
Getting to Know Allah
Paperback, 250 pages
111:1-5 Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and may he perish too; neither his
wealth nor what he has earned will avail him anything. He will roast in a
flaming fire, and his wife will be a carrier of fire-wood, she shall have a rope
of fibre around her neck.
The phrase, "In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful" launches 112 of the 114 chapters of the Koran.
If "compassionate" is
defined as being aware of the suffering of an other and wishing to relieve it,
and "merciful" as being unconditionally kind and forgiving, then these are not the
qualities we would associate with the Author of verses about roasting a man over
an open fire, with his wife, tethered like an animal, supplying the firewood
fueling the flame that is burning her husband.
Does it matter that Abu Lahab did not hide his disdain for the Prophet Muhammad and his new
religion? It matters to Allah, and what matters to Allah is what Getting to Know Allah is all about.
Getting to Know Allah will give you that deeper insight into
the mind of a god who brooks no equal. Read revelations about His likes
and dislikes and how He deals with adversity. Getting to Know Allah
should be read as
the first or the last of my six books on the Koran.
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Shared Prophets
Biblical Figures in the Koran - What They Said and Did
Paperback, 240 pages
Shared Prophets brings together, in one place, revelations about the Biblical heroes, and the odd
villain, whom Allah invited to strut their stuff on His stage, the Koran.
Shared Prophets assumes a rudimentary knowledge of the Old
Testament’s best known characters such as Moses, Abraham, Noah, Joseph (son
of Jacob), Solomon, Lot, Saul, David, Adam, Cain and Abel.
As to the New Testament, it is sufficient to be aware that Christians
believe 1) that Jesus is the Son of God, 2) that he was born of the Virgin
Mary, and 3) that he died on the Cross. The Koran gives credence only to the
virgin birth and vociferously denies the other two core Christian beliefs,
with Jesus being the most vocal, after Allah, in denouncing those who would claim he is the Son of God.
Mary, the only woman mentioned by name in the Koran, is there to back her
son’s claim that he is not divine, but just another prophet of Allah, and a lesser one at that. There is no Joseph.
Shared Prophets is a must-read for those who do not care to
learn about the Koran in the mistaken and dangerous delusion that it is like
the Bible — it is not — and especially the New Testament portion of which the Koran is the antithesis.
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Women and the Koran
Second Edition
Paperback, 123 pages
Afghan women to have rights within Islamic law, Taliban say.
BBC August 17, 2021
What does women’s rights “within Islamic law” mean?
I have revamped Women and the Koran in
the hope that more will seek to understand what life is like for women
and girls living under Islamic law, of which the Koran is the
I have included in this edition additional
hadiths, sayings and examples of the Prophet Muhammad, which have a
forceful impact (no pun intended) on women and girls in a world governed
by the Sharia, i.e., God’s law.
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Jihad in the Koran
Second Edition
Paperback, 202 pages
"Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting."
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, The Islamic State
Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords."Bukhari 52.73
Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight with the people till
they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.'" Bukhari 52.196
9:111 Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their
wealth in return for Paradise; they fight in the Way of Allah, kill and get
killed... Rejoice then at the bargain you have made with Him; for that is the great triumph.
61:9 It is He Who sent His Messenger forth with the guidance and the
religion of truth, to make it triumph over every religion.
What the Koran has to say about this ongoing global struggle for
religious supremacy, and the civil war that started it all, is what Jihad
in the Koran is all about.
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The Islamic Hereafter
Second Edition
Paperback, 184 pages
37:48 And they also shall have wide-eyed maidens averting their gaze.
56:22-24 And wide-eyed houris, Like hidden pearls; As a reward for
what they used to do.
47:15 The likeliness of the Garden which the God-fearing have been
promised is this: rivers of water not stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste
has not changed, rivers of wine delighting its drinkers and rivers of
distilled honey. Therein they have every variety of fruit and forgiveness
from their Lord too. Are they to be compared with those who dwell in the
Fire forever and are given to drink boiling water which will rip up their bowels?
4:56 Those who have disbelieved Our Signs, We shall surely cast them into
the Fire; every time their skins are burnt, We will replace them by other
skins, so that they might taste the punishment. Allah indeed is Mighty and Wise!
The Islamic Hereafter is all about pleasure and pain: hedonistic pleasures and agonizing pain.
It is not for children whose parents don't believe in persuasion through terror. If Allah’s revelations about the appalling indescribable pain and cruelty
that unbelievers can expect on Judgement Day—and later when He confines them all in His Hell—are not enough to cause unforgettable bone-chilling nightmares,
Muhammad’s ghastly visions of a claustrophobic, zombie-like existence underground surely will.
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From Merchant to Messenger
Muhammad's struggle for legitimacy as revealed in the Koran
Paperback: 192 pages.
The Koran is very much the story of one man’s struggle to get his Meccan kin,
the Quraysh, and the Arabs in general, to accept him as an authentic prophet in
the same class as his hero Moses and to abandon their smorgasbord of gods and
goddesses and to worship only Allah.
It was not easy, even with God as a trusted advisor and cheerleader, as
hundreds of revelations will attest, with Allah being remarkably candid about
what people thought of His ultimate spokesperson, such as thinking him a madman.
68:2 You are not [O Muhammad], by the Grace of your Lord, a madman.
From Merchant to Messenger contains little information about
Muhammad's military campaign that would see to him become the absolute ruler
of all he surveyed; that is covered in Jihad in the Koran.
Includes a short biography of Muhammad's wives and their impact on the Koran.
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1,001 Sayings and Deeds of the Prophet Muhammad
Second Edition
Paperback, 454 pages
Improved presentation, contents cross-referenced to Boreal Books on the Koran, appendices, additional footnotes, etc.
Within the house of Islam, the penalty for learning too much about the
world—so as to call the tenets of the faith into question—is death. While the Koran merely describes the punishment that awaits the apostate in the
next world, the hadith is emphatic about the justice that must be meted out in this one: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'
Given the fact that [hadiths are] often used as the lens through which to interpret the Koran,
many Muslim jurists consider [them] to be even a greater authority on the practice of Islam.
Sam Harris, The End of Faith - Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason, 2004, W. W. Norton & Company.
In learning about the hadiths, you will also become acquainted with the real
Muhammad as his closest friends and his child-bride, Aisha, remember him.
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A One Act Play
Alice Visits a Mosque to Learn About Judgment Day
Paperback, 80 pages
The dialogue is made up, but the revelations are real, as are the sayings of Muhammad. The character of Alice only bears a remote resemblance to
the heroine of Lewis Carroll's tale of a young girl "who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures."
Alice Visits a Mosque to Learn About Judgement Day is a short, often brutal play/script (it could not be otherwise) about an important concept in
Islam on which the Koran expounds at length.
Alice is not meant to offend but to enlighten. It is both a play and an invitation to learn more about the Koran and the Prophet. We hope you will
read it (or see it, if it ever makes it to the stage or the screen) in the spirit in which it was written.
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Fade to Black
Triumph of the Irrational
"All religions are stupid, but Islam is the stupidest of all."
Michel Houellebecq
Assuming that we are genetically programed, as some research suggests, to
believe in a higher being therefore predisposed to believe in religion, are
we also genetically inclined to believe in Houellebecq’s stupidest
considering Islam’s appeal to so many, women in particular.
Houellebecq is wrong! Islam is not the stupidest, but the smartest
as evident by its success at recruiting that leaves other religions in the
dust and democracies gasping, despite being the most irrational.
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Teach Your Children Well
The future as a truism and a cliché
Bill 21 Edition
Paperback, 82 pages
It is both a truism and a cliché that children are the future. Where that future will be shaped is in the classroom.
Teach Your Children Well looks at the long term implications of introducing the teaching of religion in the public school system, and the
granting of exceptions to the general curriculum for religious reasons.
In March 2020, the government of François Legault, with the passing of Bill 21, “An Act respecting the laicity of the State” ended the teaching
of religion in the Québec secular public school system, in part, because of the deleterious impact it was having on students' intellectual development.
This has not stopped other jurisdictions, including the Canadian Government, from favouring teaching empirical truths in conjunction with opposing
revealed truths, i.e., alleged immutable facts communicated to a mortal by a god and letting primary and secondary school kids sort them
out for themselves. Teach Your Children Well is there to remind you why this is a bad idea.
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Shooting the Messenger
Till Death Do Us Part
Paperback, 245 pages
One of her last requests was that I make one more attempt at telling my story; now, our story. I should not have been surprised that my firing by
Foreign Affairs still bothered her considering the surroundings in which she died.
At the heart of Shooting the Messenger – Till Death Do Us Part is the story of
my discovery of a multi-million dollar fraud and my subsequent dismissal for failing to report, under impossible conditions, the theft of additional millions.
Till Death Do Us Part ends with my wife's passing on the afternoon of July 5, 2019, away from where she had hoped to die.

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Failure to find a buyer for Boreal Books:
Should I fail to find a suitable purchaser of the rights to my books and trademark before I have to personally answer to Allah for what I wrote about Him and
the illiterate He chose to speak on His behalf, I have instructed my executor to transfer all my published and unpublished material, including
cover art, into the public domain. Just give credit where credit is due.
Bernard Payeur email
Boreal Books® is a registered trademark of Bernard Payeur