

Triumph of the Irrational


In Islam, apartheid takes two forms. First, there is segregation of the sexes as described, during an interview, by Fatima Houda-Pepin, the first Muslim woman to be elected to the Québec National Assembly.

For the fundamentalists, a woman must not be seen in public, right. If, by chance or by necessity a woman must go out in public, she must be invisible. She must, when going out [in public], wear her prison and that way we don't see her figure, we don't see her beautiful face or her hair because it's [sexually] seductive and so on and so forth … This means that the public space is not for these women …

It is a segregation [of the sexes] that is done in the public space. We in Québec and in Canada went to the United Nations to denounce apartheid regimes, segregation based on race was unacceptable and I would not accept segregation based on sex because that is what it means, the chadors, the burqas and all these imported ways of dressing which are meant, in the name of freedom of religion, to impose values that are alien and from another century.

Then, there is the type of apartheid that France has passed a law to try to discourage, where believers form their own communities so as to minimize contact with unbelievers, as demanded by the Koran, and to live according to Sharia law as closely as possible.

Macron launches crackdown on 'Islamist separatism' in Muslim communities, Reuters, October 2, 2020

In Canada’s not-to-distant future it is anticipated that Muslim-only municipalities, as envisioned in Remembering Uzza, will be recognised in law. In the play, bordering municipalities, to avoid confrontations, have passed bylaws whereby Muslim women from an Islamic municipality who visit a bar, or a restaurant, must cover their hair and may not be served alcoholic beverages.

In the play, the Triumph of the Irrational is still an invasion in progress with the enemy leaving its beachheads to visit establishments dedicated to providing a welcome respite to the weary and a place to celebrate with friends, to ensure that bylaws respecting its women are respected and to intimidate any Muslim women found in such places.

The Chapter: The Enemy Within is very much relevant to our discussion, which is why I have included it here. We pick up the story of Uzza’s visit to a bar after two vigilantes from an Islamic municipality have left, but not before performing their due diligence,

The Enemy Within

(From Remembering Uzza - If Islam Was Explained To Me in a Pub, Boreal Books)

Uzza: Could I have an adult drink now, please. They are not coming back tonight. If anything, they are waiting somewhere to teach me a lesson. Archie, do you mind? (extends her empty glass of apple juice.)

Archie: When you came in you said you wanted a beer. How about a nice glass of white wine? On the house.

Uzza: Just like in heaven.

Archie: What do you mean?

Uzza: In Paradise there are rivers of wine[21] in which the believers can dip their cups and toast Allah − and, for the privileged class, special wines aged in some kind of container sealed with musk[22].

Archie: Why would Allah outlaw wines here but allow them in heaven?

Uzza: There was a time when Allah bragged about wine being one of the signs of His Beneficence[23]. Then wine became a sin in which there was some benefit[24]. Then no benefits at all; wine became an abomination, something the devil concocted[25].

Archie: You haven’t answered my question.

Uzza: A drunk and disorderly believer could have embarrassed Muhammad without intending to and could not be trusted to carry out his orders without fail. Reason enough, I think, for Allah to make sure that didn’t happen.

Archie: Then, why all the pussyfooting?

Uzza: Allah does not pussyfoot, if that is even a word. He may have wanted to wait until Muhammad was strong enough to enforce His decree[26] before making wine an abomination. I do not know. And, can I give you back this damn veil? It only empowers women to do what men want them to do. Where is the fun in that?

Archie: No, but you can take it off and keep it close by. And you must promise to put it back on if you see someone come up the stairs.

Uzza: I promise.

Gerry: And don't worry, I will walk you home or to your car, if you want.

Uzza: Thank you, but my being seen with a man other than a husband or close relative will only make it worse.

Gerry, Johnny, Bob: [raising their glasses] Cheers!

Uzza: [does not raise her glass, nor does she take a sip, but stares straight ahead.]

Johnny: Anything wrong?

Uzza: You let in them in.

Bob: I thought Archie let them in.

Archie: You're not talking about those people, are you?

Uzza: Not just them, all of them. People like that should never have been allowed in our country.

Archie: But, they are your people?

Uzza: No, they are not. They are from another century.

Archie: And what century would that be?

Uzza: The 7th century. They consider Western civilization a mistake that must be rectified by a return to what they consider the good old days when Muhammad and what he said was the Will of God was the law, the only law, the Sharia. You let in those for whom the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, reason itself is a blasphemy[27].

Archie: That explains a lot; the craziness, I mean.

Uzza: You let in those who did not come seeking our way of life but to change it thinking you would change them, and Muslims who came here to escape the shackles of the Sharia are paying the price of your arrogance, a price you will all have to pay sooner rather than later.

Archie: I’m paying it right now.

Uzza: You welcomed this Islamic population into my grandfather's adopted country, you fed them, you housed them, you gave them benefits that others had worked for, you bent over backwards to appease them, you forced everyone to tolerate them, and you encouraged their religion to thrive.

Archie: We did that, alright. Maybe we’re the crazy ones.

Uzza: You gave them economics opportunities not available to more upstanding citizens which allowed them to fund what my father warned was a hidden agenda. They lied to you, they told you they were peaceful and wanted nothing else but to be fine, upstanding citizens and abide by your laws. They accepted your food, your housing, your benefits, your kindness but they never accepted your culture which they viewed as weak and immoral, nor your beliefs which they equated as being anti-Islam. They now secretly hide and protect the bombers and beheaders within their communities, the so-called Islamic Municipalities into which the authorities dare not venture. They grew strong on your misplaced generosity and tolerance. One day in the not-too-distant future they will receive the call, in Arabic, from the Muslim hate preachers of the mosques you have so generously allowed them to build so they can preach their Islamic bile and rise up and finish what you started when you let them in[28].


Gerry: When you say the preachers who use the mosques as a cover will rise up, many having already done so, to encourage the believers to step up their attacks on unbelievers, at least you will be okay.

Uzza: NO, I WILL NOT BE OKAY! I, and those like me, like my father, will be the first to be butchered, for in the eyes of the Islamists we are heretics.

Gerry: I’m sorry to hear that.

Uzza: The appeasers and apologists who have helped them will be next to be put to the sword for Islamists will not trust people who have betrayed their own Christian culture.

Archie: Serves them right!

Uzza: Islamists cherish death more than life itself, especially in the pursuit of their aim to make the world one barbaric Islamic caliphate. Like they did during the Islamic State, they will make the SS look like the Salvation Army. Their alien, violent, intolerant 7th century cult will utterly destroy us because your stupidity knows no bounds. May your children and children's children forgive your utter suicidal folly[38].

Gerry: [breaking the silence that is the men's response to Uzza's cri de coeur] So that is what you meant when you said we let it happen.

For Want of Four Simple Questions

Bob: Uzza, is it true that when the Prophet visited the Ka'ba on the night Mecca surrendered, he destroyed the statues and relics of more than 300 religions[304]?

Uzza: He did more than that. On the walls were paintings of prophets and other revered people. He had the walls washed and ordered everyone to destroy any statues and reproductions of the living and the dead they had in their homes.

Bob: Why?

Uzza: Allah, for a god who claims to be the most omnipotent of the omnipotent, is somewhat insecure in his omnipotence. He is afraid that people will be distracted by the worship of inanimate things like statuettes from worshipping his greatness. Any art that imitates life is also considered an act of creation, an infringement of a god's prerogative, and therefore must be destroyed.

Gerry: I have difficulty imagining a world whose art is confined to geometric shapes combining circles, lines, squares and triangles to avoid any representation, any resemblance, no matter how remote, to the human or animal form.

Uzza: I cannot imagine a world without Michelangelo and his David; the Mona Lisa of Leonardo de Vinci; the Greek statues celebrating the beauty of Venus and athletes of ancient Greece; the figures carved in stone in remembrance of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, not to mention the lion with the human face; the statues and art of the Roman empire; the paintings on the cave walls at Lascaux—and I AM MUSLIM.

Archie: Will you knock it off, you two? We get the message.

Uzza: NO, YOU DON’T! Soon the entire world will resemble Mecca after Islam. With the destruction of the so-called idols and most forms of art, the suffocating restrictions placed on women, the changing of the pilgrimages from a celebration of life to a celebration of death... from one day to the next all-embracing Mecca changed from a vibrant and welcoming community to a bleak and uninviting place.

Archie: Except for the believers.

Gerry: You didn’t say Muslims.

Archie: I am starting to understand what Uzza is getting at.

Uzza: The cleansing of the Ka'ba was followed by the cleansing of Arabia, bringing an end to the most enlightened civilization the Middle East has ever known.

Bob: Cleansing. That is a bit much isn't?

Uzza: NO, IT IS NOT! Cleansing is intolerance in action, whether it be intolerance for another race or intolerance of people of another religion or no religion at all. Muhammad’s actions at the Ka'ba and shortly thereafter when he decreed that all Arabs had to become Muslims within four months or face death or enslavement at the hands of the believers, speak for themselves.

Bob: But that is not like ethnic cleansing, like what was done by the NAZIs.

Uzza: The only difference is that the Jews could not change their race to save their lives. Your civilization is now facing its own cleansing. The funny thing is, it is your unthinking tolerance of intolerance, not unlike that of the Meccans, that has brought you to the brink of extinction.

Gerry: You're not saying that Western civilization should have indulged in a little cleansing of its own like the Serbs did at Srebrenica?

Uzza: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! All they had to do was not let the intolerant in.

Bob: You mean a Muslim ban like Trump wanted?

Uzza: Again, NO! All you had to do was ask a few questions of Muslim immigrants as a first step to avoiding welcoming Islamists.

Archie: And those questions would be?

Uzza: 1. In the Koran, Allah says that "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him." Do you agree?

2. In the Koran, Allah confirms that he sent Muhammad with what He refers to as "the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may exalt it above every other religion." Do you believe that it is your duty as a believer, wherever you are, to do the same?

3. Prophet Muhammad said: "I have been made victorious with terror." Do you believe that terrorism is a legitimate weapon in Allah's Cause?

4. In the Koran, Allah says it is okay to lie if it will further His Cause. Would you lie to further Allah's Cause?

A yes to any of these questions would automatically disqualify a person as an immigrant or a refugee.

Archie: I would only ask one question: "Yes or No! Do you swear by the Koran?" That's it. Answer yes, and you don't get in.

Uzza: Somewhat simplistic, but better than no questions at all.

Bob: What is the second step?

Uzza: Deport anyone whose actions betray their allegiance.

Bob: I'll drink to that.

Archie: [raising his glass] And to the well-meaning pussies who gave up without a fight.

Uzza: The Meccans were not pussies, to use your derogatory term. And you will remember, it was a pussy who tried to get the men to resist. If they had had a leader like the one who rushed to retake Mecca from the believers instead of the cowardly Sufyan, things would have been a lot different.



47:15 The likeness of the Garden which the God-fearing have been promised is this: rivers of water not stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste has not changed, rivers of wine delighting its drinkers and rivers of distilled honey. Therein they have every variety of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord too…


83:25 They are given to drink from a sealed wine; 83:26 Whose seal is musk…


16:67 And from the fruits of palms and vines, you get wine and fair provision. Surely, there is in that a sign to a people who understand.


2:219 They ask you about wine and gambling, say: “In both there is great sin and some benefit for people. But the sin is greater than the benefit.” And they ask you about what they should spend, say: “What you can spare.” Thus Allah makes clear to you His Revelations so that you may reflect.


5:90 O believers, wine, gambling, idols and divining arrows are an abomination of the Devil’s doing; so avoid them that perchance you may prosper! 5:91 The Devil only wishes to stir up enmity and hatred among you, through wine and gambling, and keep you away from remembering Allah and from prayer. Will you not desist, then?

[26] Muhammad extended Allah's prohibition of alcoholic beverages to the containers in which it was served, but had second thoughts about prohibiting jars altogether, except perhaps green jars.

Narrated Abdullah bin 'Amr:

When the Prophet forbade the use of certain containers (that were used for preparing alcoholic drinks), somebody said to the Prophet. "But not all the people can find skins." So he allowed them to use clay jars not covered with pitch.

Bukhari 69.497

Narrated Ash-Shaibani:

I heard Abdullah bin Abi Aufa saying, "The Prophet forbade the use of green jars."

I said, "Shall we drink out of white jars?"

He said, "No."

Bukhari 69.501


Johnny: What about the Enlightenment, the philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to question accepted doctrines and traditions?

Muhammad: You call enlightened a movement that promoted so many misguided, so-called humanitarian reforms. This wicked Enlightenment philosophy was an invitation to question dogma, something the Prophet Muhammad, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, would have considered blasphemy, an affront to Allah The Lord Of Majesty and Bounty. This shallow philosophical movement, like others that came before and others that would follow, advanced notions that were not that much different than those put forward by these same second-rate Greek philosophers and their wrong-headed notion of human rights.

Johnny: Surely the Renaissance, which marked the end of the Catholic Church’s dominance in Europe, allowing for a flowering, a renaissance of the arts and sciences was a good thing?

Muhammad: The Renaissance, what a foolish mistake. Islam forbids all realistic representations of people or animals. The Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said that on the day of Judgment, God will command people to put life into what they have fashioned. They won’t be able to do so and God will have a good laugh before condemning them to an eternity in His Hell for disobeying Him. The Renaissance encouraged all those painters and sculptors to create those graven images expressly forbidden by Allah, The Preventer. They even invented perspective to make those images stand out; adding insult to blasphemy. Need I say more?

Bernard Payeur, The Fractured Nation Interviews, 2010

[28] Dialogue beginning with "You welcome this Islamic population" adapted from a response by an individual who goes by the pseudonym Haïm Ittah to an Ottawa Citizen story about the Nice truck attack which killed 84 people including 10 children.

[38] Dialogue beginning with "The appeasers and apologists" also adapted from a response by an individual who goes by the pseudonym Haïm Ittah to an Ottawa Citizen story about the Nice truck attack which killed 84 people including 10 children.


8:37 So that Allah might separate the foul from the fair and place the foul, one upon the other, piling them up all together and casting them into Hell. Those are truly the losers.


2:62 The believers (Muslims), the Jews, the Christians and the Sabians – whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is good, shall receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have nothing to fear and they shall not grieve.

Revelation 2:62 is said to be abrogated by 3:85:

3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.


9:29 Fight those among the People of the Book who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and do not profess the true religion, till they pay the poll-tax out of hand and submissively.

[42]  The “Verse of the Sword”, verse 9:5 is said to supersede all other verses on the subject of war and peace.

9:5 Then, when the Sacred Months (these are the four months during which war was prohibited in pre-Islamic times) are over, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, take them [as captives], besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every point of observation. If they repent afterwards, perform the prayer and pay the alms then release them. Allah is truly All-Forgiving, Merciful.

As David Cook, author of Understanding Jihad explains: “while its immediate subject (verse 9:5) is the Pagan Arabs—a narrow application sustained by early commentators—later Muslim jurists would use the verse to proclaim a universal jihad against all non-Muslims.”

[304]       Narrated Abdullah:

When the Prophet entered Mecca on the day of the Conquest, there were 360 idols around the Ka'ba. The Prophet started striking them with a stick he had in his hand and was saying, "Truth has come and Falsehood will neither start nor will it reappear.”

Bukhari 59.583