The interviews are also meant to teach a little bit of Canadian history and to bring to life an imaginary, near-future where Canada is just a memory. The Interviews are meant to be read in the order they are conducted as guests may comment on or object to what a previous guest has said. If you don’t intend to read all the interviews please don’t read any. To read them out of sequence or to read some and not others is to invite misunderstanding and we, of course, don’t want that. So, please read all of the interviews and the postscript before e-mailing the author to tell him what you think of him and his speculations. I wrote Canada – The Fractured Nation Interviews to promote discussion about controversial ideas which the current political and social climate does not always encourage. I did not write it to promote hatred, intolerance or, heaven forbid, violence. Always remember that Johnny, Diane, Muhammad, Boom-Boom, Maude and Jean are fictional characters and it is their opinions they are expressing, not necessarily those of the writer or of anybody living or dead. I hope you enjoy reading The Fractured Nation Interviews as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you. Bernard Payeur