
The End of Iran and The End of Israel

People who believe they have a place to go when they die, and a good one, don't usually fear death as much as those who don't.

Khamenei is a very rich man who can afford just about anything that Allah's materialistic and hedonistic Paradise has to offer, with the added benefit that he is first here. In Paradise, he would rank behind the countless messengers even if worthy of a place in the seventh heaven that Allah and Muhammad call home.

He could, of course, improve his standing in Paradise, and stay in the best accommodation that its owner has to offer, by doing what God would do if He were here, and that is burn his real and imaginary enemies in a nuclear fire not unlike that of Hell.

The U. S. will not be able to stop a motivated Iran under the leadership of religious sociopaths from exploding at least one nuclear weapon over Israel. This should be enough to bring an end to the Zionist experiment Israel being a small county, but also prompt at least a ten-fold retaliation in kind from Israeli nuclear missile submarines on patrol in the Persian Gulf transforming Iran into a radioactive wasteland and sending radioactive fallout around the world.

Bring on Armageddon

Bernard Payeur