In Canada, with the Province of Québec leading the way, a secular public school education is being sacrificed to accommodate a religion which considers schooling where its revealed scriptures are not given precedence as blasphemous. Bill 21, “An Act respecting the laicity of the State” could be considered an attempt by the government of François Legault to curtail the damage done by the Liberal government of Jean Charest when it reintroduced, in 2008, the teaching of religion in the public school system in response to the Bouchard-Taylor Commission’s report on so-called reasonable accommodations. Almost a decade after the introduction of a mandatory religious study course, the so-called Ethics and Religious Culture Program, in the primary and secondary grades, alarms are being raised about its deleterious impact on students' intellectual development. This alone would warrant revisiting Teach Your Children Well even without throwing Bill 21 into the mix. CONTENTS Introduction to the Bill 21 Edition Foreword - Children Under Siege God in the Canadian Charter of Rights The First Accommodation Building the Future What Were They Thinking? APPENDICES Abu Lahab and Allah’s Sadism Houda-Pepin Interview Excerpt Remember the Alamo Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms AMAZON: USA UK Canada Australia | Free PDF