BorealAlice Visits a Mosque to Learn About Judgement DayThe Great Miscarriage
Imam: The Last Judgement is Allah and Allah’s alone. Judgement Day will also provide Allah with one last opportunity to humiliate the unbelievers in front of the believers; to deride them for not believing; to publicly enjoy the terror that they will experience when they realize there is no hope, that they will be spending an eternity in agony. Alice: Taking pleasure from other peoples’ discomfort!!! What is that again? Imam: It’s not only Allah who will take pleasure in the unbelievers’ predicament. Judgement Day is also to give the believers their own opportunity to laugh at the unbelievers, to mock them as the Compassionate drags them in chains, kicking and screaming into His Fire. Alice: That does not sound like a compassionate, merciful god to me? Imam: O, but He is; but only believers are deserving of His Compassion and Mercy, and rightly so. Alice: If you say so? Imam: ALLAH SAYS SO. Remember that! Alice: When will we be able to see Allah's Compassion and Mercy in action? Imam: No one knows when Judgement Day will be upon us. Allah did not even confide the date to His most trusted and greatest Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad, the peace and blessings of God be upon him. Allah said: 7:187 They ask you about the Hour, when it will strike. Say: “The knowledge thereof is with my Lord; none but He will disclose it at the right time. It will be fateful in the heavens and on earth, and will not come upon you except suddenly.” They ask you, as though you know about it. Say: “The knowledge thereof is with Allah, but most people do not know.” Alice: So, there will be no warning? Imam: Not necessarily. The Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said that when women outnumber men, and women singers are everywhere, the end will be near. Alice: So women will be responsible for bringing on the end of the world, and it should be soon? Imam: While women figure prominently in Allah’s doomsday scenario, the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, also said that when the end is near, the worst people will be chosen as leaders, and it is reasonable to assume that most of these will be men. Alice: Allah, from what I have been told, is very much into signs; did He reveal in His Koran any signs that the end is near? Imam: If you look up and the color of the sky varies from yellowish to a dark reddish color and mountains are bounding around like tumbleweeds in the wind – if they have not been transformed into heaps of sand, that is – then chances are big things are about to happen. Allah said: 70:8 On the Day when heaven will be like molten brass; 70:9 And the mountains like tufted wool. ---- 73:14 On the Day when the earth and the mountains shall tremble, and the mountains shall turn into heaps of sand. Alice: That’s it? Imam: There’s more, a lot more. For example, in response to a question about the Day of Resurrection, one of a handful of synonyms for Judgement Day, asked of the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, here is what Allah had to say: 75:6 He asks: “When is the Day of Resurrection coming?” 75:7 Then, when the sight is dazzled; 75:8 And the moon is eclipsed; 75:9 And the sun and the moon are joined together; 75:10 Man will say on that Day; “Where is the escape?” 75:11 No, there shall be no escape. Alice: The moon is on average 92 million miles or so from the sun. In any event, both the earth and the moon would be burnt to a cinder before any merging could take place. Imam: In the Koran, the moon and the sun appear to be approximately the same size and occupy the same orbit above what some have said is a flat earth because of revelations from Allah that He flattened it and leveled if off, revelations 43:10, 67:17, 79:30 and others. It is these celestial bodies’ race across the sky which causes night and day. If this is the case, on Judgement Day one will catch up with the other and merge, causing the grey gloominess – neither night nor day – befitting Judgement Day. Alice: If the heavens are what Allah says they are, and not the illusion that is the evidence collected by astronomers, the images from Hubble and Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon, then Allah's explanation has the ring of authenticity. Imam: Of course it does, as do still more revelations about the coming of Judgement Day where the sun is all coiled up. Allah said: 81:1 When the sun shall be coiled up; 81:2 And when the stars shall be scattered about (fall); 81:3 And when the mountains shall be set in motion; 81:4 And when the pregnant camels shall be discarded; 81:5 And when the beasts shall be corralled; 81:6 And when the seas shall rise mightily; 81:7 And when souls shall be paired off; 81:8 And when the buried infant shall be asked: 81:9 “For what sins was she killed?” 81:10 And when the scrolls shall be unrolled; 81:11 And when heaven shall be scraped off; 81:12 And when Hell shall be stoked; 81:13 And when Paradise shall be brought near; 81:14 Then each soul shall know what it had brought forth. Alice: You're making that up? Imam: Would I lie to you? Allah not only swore to it, but also that the angel Gabriel, who brought His Revelations to the Prophet Muhammad, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was to be trusted because of the angel’s close relationship with God. Allah said: 81:15 No I swear by the alternating stars; 81:16 Which circle then hide; 81:17 And the night when it recedes; 81:18 And the morning when it breaks, 81:19 It is truly the discourse of a noble Messenger (the Angel Gabriel who brought Allah’s revelations to the Prophet); 81:20 Who has power, with the Lord of the Throne, and is highly placed; 81:21 Obeyed, then trustworthy. Alice: You have to be mad! Imam: They said the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was mad. You have to be mad not to believe! It is the truth, and if you cannot trust the angel Gabriel who told the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, what Allah told him to say, then who can you trust? Allah said: 81:22 Your Companion (the Prophet Muhammad) is not mad; 81:23 He saw him (Gabriel) upon the luminous horizon. Alice: Did the Prophet drink at all? Imam: Of course not. Allah forbids it. But on Judgement Day, everyone will stumble about like drunks. Allah said: 22:1 O people, fear your Lord. Surely the clamour of the Hour is a terrible thing. 22:2 The Day you will witness it, every suckling mother will be distracted from the child she is suckling, and every pregnant woman will deliver her burden, and you will see people drunk, whereas they are not drunk; but the punishment of Allah is terrible. Alice: Did Allah actually say "every pregnant woman will deliver her burden" at the outset of the Day of Judgement? Imam: Allah reveals what Allah reveals, and what Allah reveals is the truth, even the “terrible” truth. Alice: O MY GOD! That means when Judgement Day is eminent, while thousands of women will be singing their hearts out, millions of other women around the world will be screaming in pain as they give birth to premature babies or spontaneously aborted fetuses. I thought Islam was against abortion? Imam: The school of Islamic law with the most followers allows abortion after fertilization for up to 120 days based on what the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said about when a fetus is ensouled. Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Apostle, the truthful and truly-inspired, said, "Each one of you collected in the womb of his mother for forty days, and then turns into a clot for an equal period (of forty days) and turns into a piece of flesh for a similar period (of forty days) and then Allah sends an angel and orders him to write four things, i.e. his provision, his age, and whether he will be of the wretched or the blessed (in the Hereafter). Then the soul is breathed into him." Bukhari 77.593 Alice: O MY GOD! That means that it will be mostly believing women who will spontaneously give birth or be aborted with the excruciating pain the tearing will cause, and no anesthetics. If it was mostly unbelieving women whom Allah will relieve of their burden in such a manner, I might understand that in His Mind they had it coming, but believing women ...? Imam: Millions of women experience such trauma every day. It is not exceptional to Judgement Day except in scope. Allah is simply accelerating the process. He is not causing any pain or discomfort that would not have been theirs, Judgement Day or no Judgement Day. Alice: What about the millions, perhaps tens of millions of babies, born on the worst of days; babies whose drunk-like mothers, Allah said, will be so distracted by what is going on that they may forget to suckle them or not suckle them adequately, with stumbling drunk-like fathers unable to provide any kind of guidance or support. How awful. What does Allah have against babies? Imam: Nothing! Allah will take care of them I am sure. Alice: Does He say so in His Koran? Imam: No, but that does not mean that babies will not be taken care of. Alice: I was told that Allah said His Koran contained everything anyone ever wants to know. Imam: Yes, He did say that. Allah said: 68:35 Shall We consider those who submit like those who are criminals? 68:36 What is the matter with you; how do you judge? 68:37 Or do you have a Book in which you study? 68:38 Wherein there is whatever you choose. Alice: But if I try to look up what will happen to babies on Judgement Day, there is nothing. Imam: Yes, it is a bold statement: “a Book in which there is whatever you chose,” and in a relatively small book at that, only about one tenth the size of the Bible, the King James Version. But for a God as wise and powerful as Allah, it was possible to reveal everything that one needs to know in such a relatively small book, a book in which He does talk about babies. He even has the world’s most famous baby speak only a few hours after his birth. Allah revealed that Jesus' first words, after Mary brought him to her people, were to repudiate his divinity. Allah said, that Jesus said: 19:30 ... Indeed, I am the servant of Allah, Who gave me the Book and made me a Prophet. Alice: But still, He never fathered a child; if He had, maybe He would relate to them on a more personal level in His Book About Everything? Imam: Allah does not father babies, He creates them. Who is more knowledgeable about babies than one who creates them? Allah said: 80:17 Man may perish! How thankless he is! 80:18 Of what did He create him? 80:19 Of a sperm, He created him and determined him. Alice: Still, what a horrendous way to start Judgement Day, by punishing mothers and babies. Imam: CHILDBIRTH IS NOT PUNISHMENT! Alice: Could it be that Allah does not want to judge pregnant women, or does not want women giving birth during the proceedings and causing a commotion, and that is why He will cause millions of premature births and millions of fetuses to suddenly abort? Imam: I can understand a female's preoccupation with babies; but is not Allah, by causing all those babies to be born before Judgement Day, giving women one less thing to worry about when they appear before him to be judged? Alice: When you put it that way… If only I was sure the babies would be okay and the aborted fetuses and dead premature babies given a dignified burial, something that I know may be impossible to do on such a chaotic miserable day. Imam: They will be taken care of, of that I am sure, and nothing is impossible for Allah. Alice: What do you mean by that? Imam: All babies may be born full grown when Allah relieves pregnant females of their burdens. Alice: THAT IS EVEN WORSE! How big do men think the birth canal is? Imam: THEY WILL APPEAR FULL GROWN AFTER BIRTH, YOU STUPID WOMAN. In two sayings of the Prophet, the peace and blessings of God be upon him, recorded by a scholar by the name of Tirmidi, God’s Messenger said: “...When a believer hopes for a child in Paradise, his gestation and his birth and his growth will be in one hour as he will wish.” and that “in Paradise everyone will be 30 or 33 years old.” Alice: Couldn't Allah have simply announced Judgement Day nine months beforehand so that if a woman became pregnant in the meantime, it would be her own fault if Allah was forced to end her pregnancy prematurely? Imam: That is not how it works. If Allah announced the coming of Judgement Day so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind about what comes next, then everyone will submit and Allah will have fewer people and jinn to judge, and fewer people to keep the fires of His Hell burning. Alice: Wouldn't that be a good thing? And what is this about people keeping Hell's fire going? Imam: No, it would not be a good thing. People have to submit not knowing what comes next, on His Messenger's say so; that is the test. This is why Allah will not accept any conversions on Judgement Day when what comes next will be there for all to see and experience. As to Hell's Fire, it is a very special fire. Allah said: 2:24 ... guard yourself against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the unbelievers. Alice: He does not need people to stoke His Fire; people are the combustible. WOW! I would never have imagined; but how diabolically practical and how appalling, people on fire burning other people on fire. I thought life in the grave and what happens there, and what will happen at the outset of Judgement Day, was insanely creative but people burning people. I don’t know what to say. Imam: Then don’t say anything; it only makes you look stupid. Allah is creative but not, as you foolishly put it “insanely creative”; that would be like saying that Dante's Inferno or the Book of Revelation and its description of the beast is the work of a madman.