

Triumph of the Irrational


To Be Revered or Reviled? That Is the Question!

Islam’s secret to instilling a fear of Allah that will last a lifetime while suffocating, early on, any empathy for His alleged enemies, begins with exposing children to His vengeful, cruel and sadistic nature and His irrational take on compassion and mercy.

Lessons in Cruelty

(Abbreviated from Children and the Koran – The End of Empathy, Boreal Books)

The flattering invocation “In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful” begins every chapter of the Koran except Chapter 1, The Opening and Chapter 9, Repentance (Ultimatum in some translations), which is mostly about making war. Nonetheless, the reader is twice reminded in the first chapter (only seven verses)—which must be repeated before every prayer—of Allah’s fallacious merciful and compassionate nature.



1:1 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,

1:2 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,

1:3 The Compassionate, the Merciful,

1:4 Master of the Day of Judgement,

1:5 Only You do we worship, and only You do we implore for help.

As an adult, you may be able to dismiss Allah’s bragging about torturing and burning men, women and children in His Hell as sadistic flights of fancy, but what about Muslim children? What kind of twisted perception of the concept of mercy and compassion will they be left with after encountering the following verses about Allah, on Judgement Day, not caring about the people He condemns to burn in Hell in perpetuity?

52:13 On the Day they will be driven into the Fire of Hell by force.

52:14 “This is the Fire which you used to deny.

52:15 “Is this magic or do you not see?

52:16 “Burn in it. Bear up or do not bear up; it is the same for you. You are only rewarded for what you used to do.”

What kind of warped understanding of the concept of mercy and compassion will Muslim children be left with after reading about how the Compassionate One takes obvious pleasure in the punishment He inflicts?

11:105 The day (Judgement Day) it comes, no soul shall speak without His Leave. Some of them shall be wretched, some happy.

 11:106 As for the wretched, they shall be in the Fire; they shall have therein groaning and moaning;

What happens to the young mind that is compelled to read and re-read, ad nauseam, not only the horrific verses we have discussed so far, but others that are even more impressive in their attention to detail when it comes to the deliberate, cold-blooded application of torture? For instance, the Compassionate One replacing the burnt skin of unbelievers burning in His Hell so that the torment of their skin roasting in His Fire never ends.

4:56 Those who have disbelieved Our Signs, We shall surely cast them into the Fire; every time their skins are burnt, We will replace them by other skins, so that they might taste the punishment. Allah indeed is Mighty and Wise!

For a non-believing adult, Allah’s brutality may seem like the plot of some of the more violent cartoons their kids watch. For believing children it’s all real, not the product of a cartoonist’s imagination. Somewhere in time and space, in Allah’s bizarre universe, God is actually torturing real people and enjoying it.

14:16 Behind him is Hell, and he is given stinking water to drink.

14:17 He sips it but can hardly swallow it, and death surrounds him from every side, but he will not die; and beyond this is still a terrible punishment.


18:29 And say: “The Truth is from your Lord. Whoever wishes, let him believe; and whoever wishes, let him disbelieve.” We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire whose canopy encompasses them all. If they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass which scalds the faces. Wretched is that drink and wretched is the resting-place!


22:19 Here are two adversaries who dispute about their Lord. To the unbelievers, garments of fire shall be cut up and over their heads boiling water shall be poured;

22:20 Whereby whatever is in their bellies and in their skin shall be melted.

22:21 And for them are iron rods (to beat their heads with).

22:22 Every time they want, in their gloom, to get out of it (the Fire), they are brought back into it. [And it is said to them]: “Taste the agony of burning.”

Such is the punishment from Allah for not believing in His Book and the person who preached its content to mankind. Don’t bother saying you’re sorry; it won’t do you any good.

23:101 And when the Trumpet is blown, they will have no kinship to bind them on that Day and they will not question one another.

23:102 Then, those whose scales are heavy – those are the prosperous.

23:103 But those whose scales are light – those are the ones who have lost their souls. In Hell they will dwell forever.

23:104 The Fire lashes their faces, and therein they shrivel.

23:105 “Were not My Signs (this Qur’an) recited to you, but you used to denounced them as lies?”

23:106 They will say: “Lord, our misery overcame us and we were are an erring people.

23:107 “Lord, bring us out of it (Hell); then, if we revert we are indeed wrongdoers.”

23:108 He (Allah) said: “Rot in it and do not talk to Me.

It’s all about winners and losers, with the losers getting all the pain and the winners, all the pleasure.

23:109 “There was a group of My servants who used to say: ‘Lord, we believe, so forgive us and have mercy on us; you are the best of the merciful.’

23:110 “But you took them for a laughingstock, till they made you forget My Name, while you were mocking them.

23:111 “I have rewarded them this day for their forbearance, making them the winners.”

Pleasure or pain, what will it be?

47:15 The likeness of the Garden which the God-fearing have been promised is this: rivers of water not stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste has not changed, rivers of wine delighting its drinkers and rivers of distilled honey. Therein they have every variety of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord too. Are they to be compared with those who dwell in the Fire forever and are given to drink boiling water which will rip up their bowels?

As the child reads Allah’s Koran, he will be reminded that childhood offers no protection from a vengeful, unforgiving god. The spontaneous, cold-blooded murder of a child by a fellow named Khidr, an adviser to Moses, because Allah fears his lack of commitment to Islam will cause his parents distress, forever etched in the young impressionable mind: this God does not flinch at killing children who don’t do as they are told and replacing them with children who will.

18:74 Then they departed; but when they met a boy, he (Khidr) killed him. Moses said: “Have you killed an innocent person who has not killed another? You have surely committed a horrible deed.”


18:80 “As for the boy, his parents were believers; so we feared that he might overwhelm them with oppression and unbelief.

18:81 “So we wanted that their Lord might replace him with someone better in purity and closer to mercy.

What do Muslim children dream about after reading about the Smasher and people bound to pillars while the Smasher creeps towards their hearts to burn them?


104 Al-Humazah

In the Name of Allah,

the Compassionate, the Merciful

104:1 Woe unto every backbiter and slanderer,

104:2 Who amasses wealth and counts it diligently.

104:3 He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.

104:4 Not at all; he shall be cast into the Smasher.

104:5 And if only you knew what is the Smasher.

104:6 It is Allah’s kindled Fire,

104:7 Which attains even the hearts. 104:8 Upon them it is closing in;

104:9 On pillars stretch out.

A real life example of the appeal of scriptural sadism

What if you could do in the here-and-now what Allah relishes doing to human beings in the Hereafter? Your run-of-the-mill holy warrior can only do so much. Doctors are another matter, and they are not immune to the seductive cruelty that saturates the Koran. Given the opportunity, trained medical personnel can do a very good impression of Allah at his most pitiless, cruelest best as revealed in Revelation 4:56, the one about replacing burnt skin.

Doctor reading his KoraIssam Abuanza, 37, is a doctor who left his family in the UK in 2014 to join Islamic State in Syria. On social media, Dr Abuanza has said he wished that a Jordanian pilot burnt alive by IS had taken longer to die.

On his Facebook page he is pictured wearing doctors' scrubs and carrying a gun in a holster. He smiles as he raises his finger in the air - a symbolic gesture to represent the oneness of God that is commonly seen in the iconography of Islamic extremism. Another image shows him in combat fatigues, cradling an automatic rifle and reading the Koran.

He wrote about the killing by IS militants of the captured Jordanian pilot who was burnt alive, complaining that: "I would've liked for them to burn him extremely slowly and I could treat him so we could torch him once more."

BBC News May 24, 2016

Dr. Abuanza, a poster child for Arendt’s “banality of evil,” was trained to heal and relieve suffering, not to torture and murder and he could not resist.

Allah has very much a sadist’s understanding of empathy, i.e., feeling someone else’s pain: that it can be used to add to the suffering you wish to inflict. This will be part of the lesson that children will take away, along with the denial of compassion for unbelievers, from Allah bragging about what He will do a fellow by the name of Abu Lahab and his wife.

 In the Name of Allah,

the Compassionate, the Merciful

1. Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and may he perish too;

2. Neither his wealth nor what he has earned will avail him anything.

3. He will roast in a flaming fire,

4. And his wife will be a carrier of fire-wood,

5. She shall have a rope of fibre around her neck.

In many ways, the wife’s suffering will be greater than that of her husband. Not only will she have to watch her beloved roasted over and over like an animal on a spit, but God has compelled her to be His accomplice in torturing her spouse, even if she had nothing to do with what her husband is accused of.

Narrated Ibn Abbas:

When the Verse: 'And warn your tribe of near kindred.' (26.214) was revealed. Allah's Apostle went out, and when he had ascended As-Safa mountain, he shouted, "O Sabahah!"

The people said, "Who is that?"

Then they gathered around him, whereupon he said, "Do you see? If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?"

They said, "We have never heard you telling a lie."

Then he said, "I am a plain warner to you of a coming severe punishment."

Abu Lahab said, "May you perish! You gathered us only for this reason?"

Then Abu Lahab went away. So the "Surat: ul-LAHAB" 'Perish the hands of Abu Lahab!' (111.1) was revealed.

Bukhari 60.495

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Still too young to understand the horror of what they are being asked to do, they will read and repeat, for the rest of their lives the entire hateful, sadistic liturgy as part of their daily prayers? They will repeat a persistent refrain that encourages them to become martyrs and mass-murderers of the people Allah warns about associating with. In a 2010 BBC documentary, a leading British Islamic scholar had this to say to about believers making nice with unbelievers:

 Allah has warned us in the Koran, do not befriend the kuffar (a derogatory term for unbelievers), do not align yourself with the kuffar; the verses are so many and so numerous I can’t recite every one of them.

From an exhortation made to students from a British madrassa by Abu Yusuf Riyadh-ul-Haq, an Islamic scholar based in the United Kingdom, not to associate with Christians and Jews (BBC documentary, British Schools, Islamic Rules).

Can We Be Friends?

(Abbreviated from Jihad in the Koran, Boreal Books)

3:28 Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather than the believers. Whoever does that has nothing to do with Allah, unless you guard against them fully! Allah warns you to beware of Him (warns you of His anger); and unto Him is the ultimate return!

If you did not get the message the first time:

3:118 O believers, do not take as close friends other than your own people (other than your co-religionists); they will spare no effort to corrupt you and wish to see you suffer. Hatred has already been manifest in what they utter, but what their hearts conceal is greater still. We have made clear Our Signs to you if only you understand.

3:119 There you are, you love them, but they do not love you, and you believe in the entire book (all Scriptures). When they meet you, they say: “We believe”, but when they are alone they bite their fingertips with rage. Say: “Die of your fury. Allah knows what is hidden in the hearts!”

3:120 If you are visited by some good fortune it vexes them; and if you are visited by some misfortune, they rejoice at it; but if you forbear and fear Allah, their wiles will not hurt you at all. Allah knows fully what they do!

If a believer associates with unbelievers, God will question his or her motivation, imputing to the believer a desire for the glory that is His and His only.

4:139 Those who take the unbelievers as friends instead of the believers – do they seek glory from them? For all glory belongs to Allah.

To take part in a discussion in which the Koran is not taken seriously is risk being labelled a hypocrite.

4:140 He has revealed to you in the Book that, should you hear the Revelations of Allah being denied or mocked, you should not sit with them until they engage in some other discussion. Otherwise, you are like them. Allah shall assemble all the hypocrites and the unbelievers in Hell;

Do not incriminate yourselves!

4:144 O believers, do not take the unbelievers for friends, instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah a clear proof against you?

A specific warning about associating with Christians and Jews:

5:51 O believers, do not take the Jews and the Christians as friends; some of them are friends of each other. Whoever of you takes them as friends is surely one of them. Allah indeed does not guide the wrongdoers.

A believer has no friends except Allah, His Messenger, and those who bow down before His Eminence.

5:55 Your only friends are Allah, His Messenger and those who believe, performing the prayer and giving the alms, while they bow down.

5:56 Whoever takes Allah, His Messenger and those who believe as friends [must know] that Allah’s party is indeed triumphant.

A believer must not take as a friend anyone who would deny or make fun of what Allah has revealed in the Koran, whether they are People of the Book or your run-of-the-mill unbeliever. 

5:57 O believers, do not take as friends those who take your religion as a mockery or a sport, be they from among those who received the Book before you, or the unbelievers. Fear Allah if you are true believers.

People of the Book as transgressors:

5:59 Say: “O People of the Book, do you resent anything we do other than that we believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed before, and that most of you are transgressors?”

Those who say that Allah and the “Messiah” are one and the same are “evildoers” and their “dwelling is Hell.”

5:72 Those who say that Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary, are unbelievers. The Messiah said: “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely, he who associates other gods with Allah, Allah forbids him access to Paradise and his dwelling is Hell. The evildoers have no supporters!”

A believer who befriends unbelievers is an evildoer!

5:80 You (Muhammad): see many of them befriending the unbelievers. Evil is what their soul prompts them to do. They have incurred Allah’s Wrath and they will suffer torment forever.

5:81 Had they believed in Allah and the Prophet, and what has been revealed to him, they would not have taken them as friends.

All those who don’t respect Allah’s Revelations are evil-doers for whom the righteous are not responsible.

6:68 And when you see those who talk scornfully about Our Revelations, turn away from them, until they engage in another discourse. And should the devil cause you to forget, do not sit down with the evil-doing-people.

6:69 The righteous are in no way accountable for them; it is only a reminder so that they may fear [Allah].

A religion is a solemn thing; don’t associate with religious people who have fun worshipping God and enjoying life. 

6:70 And leave those who take their religion for sport and who are deluded by the life of this world, and remind by it (the Qur’an), lest any soul should perish of what it has earned (on account of the person’s deeds). Apart from Allah, it has no protector or intercessor; and if it offers any ransom, it will not be accepted from it. Such are those who are turned over [to be punished] on account of what they have earned. They will have a drink of boiling water and a very painful punishment, because they disbelieved.

Unbelievers are not welcome in Allah’s Mosques and they will burn in Hell.

9:17 The unbelievers should not enter Allah’s Mosques bearing witness thereby against themselves that they are unbelievers. The works of those are vain and in the Fire they will abide forever.

A warning about taking as friends family members who don’t believe, even if it means losing money:

9:23 O believers, do not take your fathers and brothers as friends, if they prefer disbelief to belief. Those who take them as friends are the wrongdoers.

9:24 Say: “If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, your relatives, the wealth you have gained, a trade you fear might slacken, and dwellings you love are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger or than fighting in His way, then wait until Allah fulfils His Decree. Allah does not guide the sinful people.

If you must leave a discussion, do so gracefully, if haughtily, while reminding those who don’t share your beliefs that they are clueless.

28:55 And when they hear idle talk, they turn away from it and say: “We have our words and you have your works. Peace be upon you; we do not desire the company of the ignorant.”

Believers are not expected to take orders from unbelievers, nor tend to their injuries.

33:48 And do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites, overlook their injury, and trust in Allah. For Allah suffices as Guardian.

One last revelation about being friends with certain people; namely, all of of the above.

60:13 O believers, do not befriend a people against whom Allah is wrathful and who have despaired of the Hereafter, just as the unbelievers have despaired of the dwellers of the tombs ("those buried in graves," Yusuf Ali).

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There is a very common ceremony practiced throughout most of the Muslim world called Khatmi-Qur’an. It is the ceremony to recognize and celebrate a child’s first full reading of the Koranic text. Most children complete the requirements between the age of four and seven under the not always benevolent tutelage of their mother who has been exposed to the same numbing violence she is now exposing her offspring.

Life in jail for son's murder over Koran studies

A mother who beat her seven-year-old son to death when he failed to memorise passages from the Koran has been jailed for life, for a minimum of 17 years. The judge said she had beaten him for three months leading up to his death, adding: "The cause of the beating was your unreasonable view that he wasn't learning passages quickly enough."

BBC, January 7, 2013

Sharia law does not condone beating children for religious reason until they have reached the age of ten. And then, it is incumbent on the father to deliver the beating. After the age of seven a child becomes the father's responsibility to indoctrinate into the ways of Islam.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old.

Abu Dawud

Mosques around the world have the equivalent of Sunday school classes to assist the mother in getting her children "to master the proper pronunciation and to read the text clearly from the first verse to the last."

In addition to Koranic lessons in cruelty, children as young as four years old receive a sex education skewed by Islam’s concept of morality as part of their religious indoctrination.

1. Reading the Koran, children learn that mommy cannot refuse daddy's demand for sex; that she is nothing more than “a field to be ploughed” whenever daddy wants, except during a time of the month the Koran says she is “unclean”; a time of the month when Allah will not even accept mommy's prayers because her condition so repulses Him.

2. Reading the Koran, children learn that daddy can beat mommy if she doesn’t want to have sex, or for whatever reason, even for what he thinks mommy is thinking.

3. Reading the Koran, children learn that daddy can keep the daughters of a bad man he has killed, i.e., an unbeliever as sex-slaves and do to them what he does to mommy or allow other man to do the same for money.

4. Reading the Koran, thanks to Allah’s vociferous condemnation of the “foul act”, children learn about sodomy, i.e., sex between men before they can even begin to understand, let alone visualize, the type of sex daddy has with mommy.

5. Reading the Koran, children learn that in Paradise daddy will have sex with fancy robots that look better than mommy and are better at whatever mommy used to do for daddy in private back on earth. Little boys mouthing the Koran on their mother’s knee may not immediately appreciate the attraction of Allah’s houris; but, it is only a matter of time, and when they do, it will only reinforce their belief in the absurd.

6. Reading the Koran, children will learn that mommy had very little to do with their creation, serving only as a warm and wet place for their daddy’s seed to grow into a baby.

7. Reading the Koran, children learn that girls are deceitful and stupid and can't resist touching boys and being touched and that is why they can't be left unsupervised.

8. Reading the Koran, little girls learn that, unlike little boys, they are very much a burden that daddy will attempt to transfer to another man, for a price, as soon as they start experiencing their “menses.”

Children conditioned by their mother, and other trusted adults, to fear Allah and do as they are told—including to hate unbelievers unconditionally—because of what He will do to them if they don’t, and to accept revealed truths, not empirical evidence, as an accurate reflection of reality, should be enough to create a skewed mind for life. Then, there is the sadism and its dampening of empathy whose smothering is crucial to Islam’s triumph.

From a simple survival strategy, the imperative reason the Koran should be exposed for what it is, and in a very public manner, is not because of a message that ensnares children and seduces adults into embracing the irrational, but a message that also demands that those who refuse to bow down before the absurd be killed or enslaved.

Should the Koran be revered or reviled is a serious question that cannot be avoided if we are to have any hope of defeating a particularly virulent strain of the irrational.