

Triumph of the Irrational


Books of a Feather

From Remembering Uzza - If Islam Was Explained To Me in a Pub, Boreal Books

Bob: I got a joke for you. "What is the difference between a log and an unbeliever?"

Uzza: That is a variation of an old NAZI joke about Jews told by Islamists, that I do not care to hear.

Bob: [oblivious] A log does not scream and moan when you put it in the fire.

Archie: That’s nasty. What is the NAZI version?

Bob: You’ll have to ask Uzza.

Uzza: If you insist. The Islamist variation seem to have been inspired by a revelation by Allah where He brags about piling unbelievers like logs before casting them into Hell[39]. Where the NAZIs got their inspiration I do not know, but in their version, Jews are compared to pies. The question asked is, "What is the difference between a Jew and a pie?"

Archie: Let me guess; a pie does not scream and moan when you put it in the oven. That is even nastier.

Gerry: Uzza, are you comparing Islamists to NAZIs?

Uzza: There are parallels between Islamists and NAZIs. They both have a book which proclaims a segment of humankind to be superior to the rest. In Mein Kampf it is the superior race; in the Koran it is the superior believers.

Bob: Which is worse?

Uzza: Both books offer similar recommendations as to what is to be done with inferiors; that they are to be killed or enslaved. The Koran, however, unlike Hitler’s book, offers a path to superiority and life. And, if not superiority, life for unbelievers whom it considers close in beliefs, the so-called People of the Book; Jews, Christians and an obscure sect call the Sabians[40]. They have the option of not converting and not being murdered for their insolence if they pay the right-to-continue-breathing tax and do so humbly. Everyone else, it is convert or die!

Bob: The right-to-continue-breathing-tax. What the hell is that?

Uzza: I am being silly, it is called the Jizya[41]. Most say it is the Verse of the Sword which was most responsible for Islam's quick conquest of much of the Middle East and North Africa following Muhammad's death. But, I say it is the Jizya verse. The Verse of the Sword with its call to be merciless with those who refuse to submit to the Will of Allah will lead to Islam's ultimate victory[42], but it is this revelation imposing a poll-tax on non-Muslims which will make it all possible.

Bob: That means, if it's in the Koran, it's a tax imposed by God. Why would God need money?

Uzza: That is funny, because that is what the Jews of Medina, who would be the first to have to pay the tax, told Muhammad when informed of this part of Allah's plan.

Bob: Wait a minute here. The Prophet lived among the Jews and he wanted to tax them for the benefit of the Muslims?

Uzza: It is a long story.

Johnny: I would love to hear it, but I have therapy early in the morning. I have to go. It was a pleasure meeting you, Uzza. Maybe we will get together again soon.

Uzza: I would like that.

Johnny: [heads for the exit] Goodbye all. See you tomorrow, Archie.

Archie: See ya, Johnny.

---- end of excerpt ----

Mein Kampf contained much of the same hate-filled text as the Koran for people they consider inferiors. In Hitler’s book it is racial inferiors; in Allah’s book it is inferiors in faith. In his book Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, Daniel Jonah Goldhagen presents evidence that the dehumanization of the Jews by the Christian churches for the purported murder of Christ and other offences, predisposed Germans to accept and participate in the murder of millions of Jews. The Koran has taken this dehumanization process one step further, adding demonization to the mix.

4:76 Those who believe fight for the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight on behalf of the Devil. Fight then the followers of the Devil. Surely the guile of the Devil is weak.

The Koran has proven particularly effective at overcoming people's strong genetic predisposition against killing one of their own kind by concentrating on a thorough indoctrination into its content.

Hitler, in Mein Kampf, looked to the East for what he called lebensraum, literally “living space” for the master race. This living space was to be acquired through extermination, enslavement and sterilization of non-Aryan races. It was the moral duty of every Nazi to ensure the survival of the master race by whatever means at his or her disposal. The Koran makes pretty much the same demand of the master believers.

35:39 It is He Who made you successors in the lands. Then he who disbelieves, his unbelief will recoil upon him; and their unbelief will only increase the unbelievers in contempt in the sight of their Lord. No, their unbelief will only increase the unbelievers in perdition.

It is very much this piece of entitlement dogma and the Koran’s dampening of empathy for those who refuse to embrace the irrational that drives the expansion of the irrational and which must inevitably lead to even greater atrocities then when it was the alleged superior race that laid claim to exclusivity of living space. Fade to Black offers some suggestions that could militate against this expansion if the West has the heart. 




8:37 So that Allah might separate the foul from the fair and place the foul, one upon the other, piling them up all together and casting them into Hell. Those are truly the losers.


2:62 The believers (Muslims), the Jews, the Christians and the Sabians – whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is good, shall receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have nothing to fear and they shall not grieve.

Revelation 2:62 is said to be abrogated by 3:85:

3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.


9:29 Fight those among the People of the Book who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden and do not profess the true religion, till they pay the poll-tax out of hand and submissively.

[42]  The “Verse of the Sword”, verse 9:5 is said to supersede all other verses on the subject of war and peace.

9:5 Then, when the Sacred Months (these are the four months during which war was prohibited in pre-Islamic times) are over, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, take them [as captives], besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every point of observation. If they repent afterwards, perform the prayer and pay the alms then release them. Allah is truly All-Forgiving, Merciful.

As David Cook, author of Understanding Jihad explains: “while its immediate subject (verse 9:5) is the Pagan Arabs—a narrow application sustained by early commentators—later Muslim jurists would use the verse to proclaim a universal jihad against all non-Muslims.”