BorealFADE TO BLACKTriumph of the IrrationalEpilogue - The Morning After110:1 When Allah’s Support and victory come, 110:2 And you see people entering Allah’s religion in throngs; 110:3 Then, magnify the Praise of your Lord and seek His Forgiveness. He is indeed All-Forgiving. ---- The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions or a clash of civilization. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between rationality and barbarity. Wafa Sultan, outspoken Syrian-American woman during a debate broadcast on Al-jazeera.
In this bleak predictable world where the exercise of freewill means death, they will witness a form of collective conditioning where everyone, like mindless automatons, constantly interrupt whatever they are doing to get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground and mouth many of the same phrases they said earlier in praise of a fabled narcissistic deity that cannot be praised enough. In looking for intelligent life with which to communicate, they will be accosted by intimidating bearded men only interested in converting them, and warning them against making contact with the odd furtive figure scurrying about engulfed by a black tent-like garment. They may notice that the victors have taken a bulldozer to many of the wonders of the ancient, medieval and modern world, sparing only structures that could be repurposed as mosques; but not before any statues, frescoes, paintings etc. contained within have been completely destroyed, as have all statues and works of art everywhere that displayed even abstract representations of humans and animals. They may watch in horror and bewilderment a sobbing young female, buried up to her shoulders, straining to avoid rocks aimed at her head thrown by more unshaven thugs in flowing robes and turbans intent on killing her, as part of some barbaric retribution ritual in front of cheering onlookers shouting how great is their god. Perhaps not far from that beautiful tear-filled face being torn apart by jagged rocks our visitors may spy a teenaged girl tied to a post being mercilessly whipped. Should they ask why one female is been stoned and the other whipped, it will be explained to them that, while both committed illegal intercourse, the female sentenced to die by having her skull cracked by a well-aimed stone was a married woman who cheated on her husband; the girl sentenced to fifty stripes of the whip is a sex-slave who had intercourse with other than her owner, without her owner’s permission. They may stumble upon a large group of mostly men crowding together on a plaza, some distance from the entrance to a tall building, all looking up at the sky. Suddenly, literally out of the blue, falling objects come into view. It is two people whose piercing screams end with their bodies smashing into paving stones. Instead of being taken aback, the men start clapping while shouting how great their god is, just like when that pitiful creature was being stoned to death. One may interrupt his rejoicing to explain to our visitors that the mangled bodies are those of homosexuals. Their scriptures, he may elaborate, call for them to be thrown off a cliff. However, a tall building, their scholars have determined, will do just as well. They may witness an Islamic-style crucifixion where an arm and a leg on opposite sides are lobbed off; a regular crucifixion, they are told, not being cruel and gruesome enough for those who abandon what they refer to as "the perfect religion." They may come across men arguing among themselves at a bazaar, or other venues where goods are traded and sold, about the value of shackled people on display: men, boys and old women marketed as labourers and young females as sex-slaves. They may be appalled by the way animals whose meat is destined for the dinner table are tortured to death in public, only to be told that this how a fellow by the name of Muhammad demonstrated it should be done long ago, and they must do it the same way to stay in the good graces of the god for whom he claimed to speak. They may wonder as to the scarcity of female children, of a certain age, playing in the street and playgrounds compared to boys of the same age. They will be told that they have been married off in keeping with the example of a man they revere as the embodiment of the perfect human, who married and had sex with a nine-year-old by the name of Aisha. What about the young beggars? And why are so many missing a hand? Most of them, they will be told, are Muslim orphans from the wars fought to make believers out of unbelievers. What may not be revealed is that, before their god disenfranchised adopted sons, so that His self-indulgent mouthpiece could marry his daughter-in-law, orphaned boys were almost unknown. As to the missing hands, it is because these boys were caught stealing. Under a more than a thousand years old legal tradition, that the locals will refer to as their god's law or the Sharia, they will be informed that the punishment for petty thievery, adultery... to murder falls into four categories: a grisly death, mutilation, flogging or blood-money, with mutilation their god's prescribed punishment for stealing. By the end of their visit, our aliens from a rational place, will have come to appreciate that those who praise this almighty Allah whenever they apply his decreed form of punishment, no matter how abhorrent, are, in essence, thanking him for replacing evolving man-made laws, from what they refer to as "the time of ignorance", with a book of revealed truths. They will also undoubtedly have an idea, from intercepted television signals, of what the people of earth were like before the enlightened world of Islam completely subjugated that of the ignorant: when progress was not a sin, when compassion was more than just a word, when women were allowed to show their face in public, when grown men marrying children was not a universal practice, when... These visitors from a place the Koran is unaware, may even wonder how such a reversal could have come about, and why anyone but the insane would kill and die to create such a bleak future for humankind.