BorealJIHAD IN THE KORANThe EnemyThe Antagonizers
58:5 Those who antagonize Allah and His Messenger shall be abased by Allah, as He abased those who preceded them. We have, indeed, sent down very clear Signs; and the unbelievers shall have a demeaning punishment. 58:6 On the Day when Allah shall raise them all from the dead, then inform them of what they did. Allah has kept count of it, but they have forgotten it. Allah is a witness of everything. The antagonizers are people who talked behind Muhammad’s back; who held secret talks of which the Prophet was not aware. You would think that God would tell His Messenger what he needed to know in a timely manner instead of waiting until Judgement Day; after all, He was party to the secret discussions. 58:7 Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and on the earth. No three conspire in secret, but He is the fourth of them; nor five but he is the six of them; nor even less than that or more but He is with them wherever they are. Then He shall inform them of what they did on the Day of Resurrection. Allah, indeed, has knowledge of everything. Muhammad had forbidden secret meetings to make it more difficult for his and God’s enemies to plot against them. A sensible precaution! 58:8 Have you not considered those who were forbidden to converse secretly, then they return to what they were forbidden from and converse secretly in sin and aggression and the disobedience of the Messenger? Then, when they come to you, they greet you with a greeting that Allah never greeted you with. They say within themselves: “If only Allah were to punish us for what we say!” May Hell suffice them; and what a wretched fate! The interdiction also applied to the believers in whom Muhammad may not have had complete confidence. 58:9 O believers, if you converse secretly among yourselves, do not converse in sin, aggression and disobedience of the Messenger; but converse in righteousness and piety, and fear Allah unto Whom you shall be mustered. 58:10 Conversing in secret is an act of Satan, so as to sadden the believers, but that will not harm them in the least, except with Allah’s Leave. Let the believers put their trust in Allah. A reminder that antagonizers are weak and God is strong. 58:20 Those who antagonize Allah and His Messenger are surely among the lowliest. 58:21 Allah has written: “I shall certainly vanquish, I and My Messengers.” Surely Allah is Strong, All-Mighty. And for God’s Sake, don’t take them as friends even if they are part of your family, close relatives or clan members, lest Allah accuse you of being an unbeliever, with all the pain and suffering that entails. 58:22 You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day befriending those who antagonize Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their clansmen. Those, Allah has inscribed faith upon their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself, and He will admit them into Gardens, beneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever. Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with him. Those are Allah’s Party; surely Allah’s Party shall be the prosperous.