BorealJIHAD IN THE KORANThe EnemyThe Niggardly
47:37 Were He to ask you for them and press you, you will surely be niggardly, and he will bring your rancours (sic) to light. 47:38 There you are; you are called upon to spend freely in Allah’s Cause, but some of you are niggardly. Yet he who is niggardly is only niggardly unto himself. Allah is the All-Sufficient and you are the destitute. If you turn back, He will replace you by a people other than you, and they will not be like you at all. ---- 3:180 And let not those who are niggardly in spending what God has given them of His Bounty suppose that it is good for them. No, it is evil; they shall carry what they stinted around their necks on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth. Allah is Aware of what you do! 4:39 And what would it cost them were they to believe in Allah and the Last Day and spend part of what Allah has provided for them? Allah knows them very well! 17:100 Say: “Even if you possess the treasures of My Lord’s Mercy, you would still withhold them for fear of spending.” Man has ever been niggardly.