BorealJIHAD IN THE KORANThe EnemyConscientious Objectors
47:20 The believers say: “If only a surah is sent down”, but when a sound surah is sent down and fighting is mentioned therein, you will see those in whose heart is a sickness look at you like one who has fainted in the throes of death. Far better for them, 47:21 Would have been obedience and a fair word! So when the matter is resolved, it would have been better for them to be true to Allah. Others were worried that if they gave Muhammad too much power, he would do what God accuses the unbelievers of doing all the time; that is, “spread corruption in the land.” 47:22 Would you, perhaps, if you were to rule, spread corruption in the land and sever the bonds of your kin? 47:23 Such are those whom Allah has cursed, and has made them deaf and blotted out their eyesight. 47:24 Will they not ponder the Qur’an, or are there locks upon their hearts? It is Satan who causes those I call conscientious objectors to abandon their faith after “the Guidance was manifested to them” or choose to ignore parts of it. 47:25 Surely, those who have turned upon their heels after the Guidance was manifested to them, it was Satan who insinuated to them and delude them. 47:26 That is because they said to those who disliked what Allah has sent down: “We shall obey you in part of the matter”, but Allah knows their secretiveness. These conscientious objectors, like so many others who did not show the proper respect for God's Revelations. will be snatched by angels on Judgement Day and flown directly to Hell, and beaten on the buttocks during transit before being dropped into the Fire. 47:27 How, then, will it be when the angels shall carry them off, beating their faces and their buttocks? 47:28 That is because they have followed what has angered Allah and were averse to His good pleasure. So He has foiled their works. 47:29 Or do those in whose hearts is a sickness think that Allah will not bring their rancours (sic) to light. God will disclose the name of these conscientious objectors, but who they are will obviously be revealed on the eve of any battle, or earlier, probably by the objections to going to war that they will raise—“their distorted speech,” Revelation 47:30. 47:30 Had We wished, We would have shown them to you (Muhammad), so that you might know them by their mark. And you shall surely know them by their distorted speech. Allah knows your works. 47:31 And We shall test you so as to know who are the fighters among you and who are the steadfast, and we shall test your news (ascertain about you, Moududi). These conscientious objectors, like those of any war, will have an influence but not any impact on Allah’s War against the unbelievers. 47:32 Indeed, those who have disbelieved and barred (men) from Allah’s Path and were at odds with the Messenger, after the Guidance became manifest to them, will not cause Allah any harm, and He will foil their works. Just like the apostates, God will not forgive the conscientious objectors should they die before returning to the faith. 47:33 O believers, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not render your actions vain. 47:34 Indeed, those who have disbelieved and barred from Allah’s Path, then died as unbelievers, Allah will not forgive them.