BorealTOPICS FOR A CONVERSATIONAny study beside that of the Quran is a distraction, except the Hadiths and jurisprudence in the religion. Knowledge is what He [Muhammad] narrated to us, and anything other than that is the whispering of the Satan. Al-Qaeda The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking 1942-2018 The world desperately needs to have an honest conversation about Islam, as I have tried to have with my books, comments and essays. ENDING THE SCOURGE OF THE GULLIBLE SUICIDE BOMBER We could seriously suppress the scourge of martyrs-murderers in Allah's Cause, a world ruled by the Sharia, if we told the truth about Paradise. RITUAL SLAUGHTER How much pain and suffering must animals endure? CAN WE FRIENDS? What the Koran has to say about associating with Christians and Jews. ISLAMOPHOBIA Gerry: So you agree that Islamophobia is real. Uzza: A fear of Islam is real, and it is not a phobia, as Islamists and their patsies would have you believe. Gerry: By patsies, you mean politicians? Uzza: And well-meaning people who don't know any better. A fear of Islam is a legitimate fear. Fear is what non-believers who get close and personal with the Koran and Allah’s unrestrained visceral hatred and cruelty for their kind will experience, for that is the intent. It is a fear nourished and amplified by the Author’s demands of believers when it comes to dealing with those for whom He has nothing but contempt: from avoiding them, to enslaving them, to killing them. Fear is what terrorism in the name of Allah is all about. Instead of dealing with this fear in a forthright manner, Western governments preferred spreading the Islamic slander that a fear of Islam is an irrational fear, that of Islamophobia, or worse, racism, as if Islam was a race and not a religion. From The Enemy Within, Remembering Uzza - If Islam Was Explained to Me in a Pub: Islamophobia can also be described as a rational fear of the irrational. The most visible manifestation of this fear inducing irrationality is the believer who seeks martyrdom in suicidal attacks because of what is written in a book in Paradise whose contents were revealed by a man who claimed to be an intimate of the Author. ISLAMOPHILIA Islamophilia among non-Muslims is most often a love borne out of ignorance or out of admiration. Just like everything else in life, we should be careful about who or what we fall in love with, e.g. Canada's Prime Minister at this writing. RACISM Is God a racist? 3:106 On the Day when some faces will turn white and others will turn black. As to those whose faces turn black [it will be said]: “Did you disbelieve after you had believed? Then taste the punishment because you have disbelieved.” 3:107 But as for those whose faces turned white, they will dwell in Allah’s Mercy (Paradise) forever. 3:108 These are the Revelations of Allah. We recite them to you in truth, and Allah does not desire any injustice for mankind. STONING Afghanistan: Executions will return, says senior Taliban official "In our Sharia it's clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it's a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public," Taliban judge, Haji Badruddin said. "But for anyone who's married, they have to be stoned to death." BBC Sept 24, 2021 Why it is women and girls who are so cruelly put to death. WOMEN Women’s Bizarre Embrace of a Religion that Hates Them THE HIJAB AND THE NIQAB The Garment is the Message. Islam is a supremacist religion. A female believer who insist on wearing traditional Islamic garb, such as the hijab, in an ostensibly secular environment such as a classroom, will implicitly, if not explicitly, compromise the space while impressing upon non-Muslims that she is superior to them in belief. They are all going to Hell and she is going to Paradise. 3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. How the hijab and the niqab came to be and why. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL "It is only by teaching children to question the validity of scriptures that we protect them from being influenced by fundamentalist doctrines. It is precisely the lack of critical thinking (when it comes to scriptures) which leads to radicalism." André Gagné TOLERANCE "Tolerance and respect are empty virtues until we actually know something about whomever it is we are supposed to be tolerating or respecting." Stephen Prothero, author of the NY Times bestseller Religious Literacy INTOLERANCE 3:85 Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. VALUES ARE IMPORTANT VIOLENCE: THE KORAN V. THE BIBLE The Koran is a shorter book than the Bible (by a factor of ten); pound for pound, it no doubt features more exhortations to violence. So if you ask which book is “worse” in terms of belligerence, you might say that qualitatively the Hebrew Bible (and hence the Christian Bible) takes the trophy—thanks to that unrivalled embrace of genocide in Deuteronomy—but that quantitatively the winner is the Koran, at least in terms of the frequency of belligerent passages, if not in absolute numbers. And if, on top of the verses espousing violence in the terrestrial world, you add verses gleefully envisioning the suffering of infidels in the afterlife, the Koran wins the quantitative competition more decisively. Richard Wright, author of The Evolution of God. SADISM Putin's Islamists Thrown into the Battle for Kiev Fighters loyal to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, renowned for their extreme brutality, have been sent to Ukraine to sow terror Le Point (my translation) Mar 7, 2022 The key to the making of holy warriors who will instill terror in a population is exposure to sadism. THE SEDUCTIVE SOUNDS OF HATRED AND CRUELTY Lucette, Julio Iglesias and Fitna... It is only a matter of time before we all have to face the music. COLOGNE DOGS GONE Islam almost led to a mass extermination of dogs, all because Muhammad blamed a puppy for the angel Gabriel skipping a scheduled meeting. Could it happen again? If scriptures pertaining to dogs still hold sway, man's best friend, in an Islamic future, will be a lot less so. A child and a dog on Canada Day. PREVENTING THE INEVITABLE MAD Checkmated | Mad for Mecca TERRORISM WORKS An American, British and French example THE CHALLENGE OF TOTALITARIAN ISLAM Democracy as Violence Against Islam TAKING A BULLDOZER TO HISTORY VICTORY "The nineteenth and twentieth century may have belong to Christianity. The twenty-first belongs to Islam." Stephen Prothero, author of the NY Times bestseller Religious Literacy. Never-Ending Bloodshed Wars Never-Ending | What Do Hypocrites Have to Do with It? WAR "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting." Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in an audio message made public May 14, 2015 FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND SCRIPTURES As human beings we have a right, and as citizens of a democracy an obligation, to express an opinion on issues affecting our lives and the lives of our countrymen and women. That right, that obligation must include questioning religious dogma. Of all human endeavors religion has the greatest potential to change our lives for better or for worse. By giving all citizens the freedom to question the authenticity, the relevancy, the meaning and application of scriptures we guard against the worst. Looking at scriptures in a different light: Uzza remembers what Nehru said.