Boreal BooksFADE TO BLACKTriumph of the Irrational
Michel Houellebecq Assuming that we are genetically programed, as some research suggests, to believe in a higher being therefore predisposed to believe in religion, are we also genetically inclined to believe in Houellebecq’s stupidest. Houellebecq is wrong! Islam is not the stupidest, but the smartest as evident by its success at recruiting that leaves other religions in the dust and democracies gasping despite being the most irrational. Archie: [throwing his hands up] You just can't win! Western civilization is about to be defeated by an army of morons. Uzza: You underestimated the forces aligned against you. Your defeat was engineered by the greatest strategist and military mind of all times. He even left a blueprint that, in your arrogance, you could not be bothered to read. From Remembering Uzza - If Islam Was Explained to Me in a Pub. If you can’t be bothered to read the Koran to save yourselves, this book about the book, and the illiterate who revealed its content, may do in its stead. It’s not that much longer than Allah’s book, and you won’t have to read it more than once to understand what it’s all about. AMAZON: USA UK Canada ... Free PDF --------------------------------Nota bene In writing about the triumph of the irrational I forgot to include the role mainstream media played in spreading a false narrative about Islam, using CNN as an example. DEDICATION First and Last FOREWORD The Future Belongs to Islam PREFACE Two Muslims and Miss B. A LETTER UNDER GLASS The Champion of the Irrational Issues an Ultimatum KORAN A Confused, Jumble, Crude, Incondite, Endless Iteration To Be Revered or Reviled? That Is the Question! GHOSTS The Jinn FIVE PERPLEXING PILLARS CHOREOGRAPHING THE IRRATIONAL WOMEN Women’s Bizarre Embrace of a Religion that Hates Them HIJABS ETC. The Irrational on Parade CHILDREN Getting the Kids Hooked on the Irrational INCENTIVIZING THE IRRATIONAL WITH MORE OF THE SAME The Promise of Absurd Sex in a Strange Paradise The Promise of Manhood and That of a Prince Charming APARTHEID The Enemy Within BLASPHEMIES Democracy, Liberty and Western Art THE AGONY OF HALAL Animal Cruelty Becomes the Norm A RATIONAL FEAR Islamophobia EPILOGUE AFTERWORD Hope Springs Eternal APPENDICES What every prospective Jihadi bride should know