PUTTING AN END TO THE MADNESS Repetitive sterile sex with female facsimiles in a static musky venue where you all look alike, dress alike and eat like a desert dweller is the reward Allah has concocted for men and boys who kill and die on His behalf. Sex in a panoramic world full of choices and real women of all ages, complexions and background with a mind and a soul who willingly invite you to make messy passionate love to them is so much better. So stop with the killing and the dying. It’s just not worth it! And tell your friends, tell everybody that the dead do not have better sex than the living, and we can start to bring an end to the madness. What female martyrs can expect | Getting children to commit mass murder on Allah's behalf. ISLAM 2024 - ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR - O CANADA ISLAM 2025 ‘I urge you to hear the voices of the Iranian people.’ Nobel laureate Narges Mohammadi remains unbowed Globe and Mail, Jan 24, 2025 Those voices are being suppressed like never before. When I first met Abbas I expressed the view that Iran would serve as an example of a progressive form of Islam as opposed to the repressive type found in Saudi Arabia. At the time, Iranian women and girls were not compelled to wear a head covering whose origins can be traced to Muhammad's wives having to share a public latrine with men. He said I was wrong. Iran was now ruled by a theocracy, he explained, therefore things could only get worse, while the Saudi Kingdom was ruled by practical men who could change with the times. He was right. The Saudi Kingdom, under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in particular, is doing just that, while Iran seems determined to perpetuate and accentuate Khomeini's legacy of obscenities. Supreme Court of Canada will hear legal challenge on Quebec secularism law (Bill 21) CBC Jan. 23, 2025 Having made a mockery of the secular public school system in English Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada will now attempt to do the same to Québec's secular public school system. Bill 21 prohibits public officials in position of authority, such as judges, police officers and teachers, from flaunting their religious affiliation while on the job. Teachers, in particular, who insist on wearing ostentatious religious attire in front of a captive audience of children are in a position to do irreparable harm to future generations. Two high-profile Iranian judges killed in Tehran in what officials call a ‘planned assassination’... Judge Ali Razini [served on] the Death Commission – an infamous committee that oversaw the prosecution and execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. CNN Jan. 18, 2025 Hizb ut-Tahrir Cancels Pro-Caliphate Event in Canada Middle East Forum Jan. 14, 2025 Islamism is commonly expressed as the desire to enforce a version of Shari’ah as law… An Islamist attempts to impose his version of Islam on society, and a jihadist is an Islamist who attempts to do so by force… Political Islamists seek to impose their views through the ballot box, biding their time until they can infiltrate the institutions of society from within. Maajid Nawaz, author of Radical, My Journey out of Islamist Extremism Labels We know how jihadists intend to bring about the Caliphate the hard way. Political Islamists wanted to hold a conference during which they would inform their audience on progress made to bring about the Caliphate surreptitiously and what comes next. Instead of threats to get them to cancel, the government should have insisted that the Canadian media be allowed to report on the proceeding, then we would all be the wiser. Taliban 'do not see women as human', says Malala... Ms Yousafzai told Muslim leaders there was "nothing Islamic" about the Taliban's policies which include preventing girls and women from accessing education and work. BBC Jan. 12, 2024 Islam's animosity towards females not only stems from an unfounded fear that women, left to their own devices, will seduce good Muslim men into committing illegal intercourse, but of what they are capable, and it has nothing to do with sex. It is this fear that compels the Taliban to limit girls’ education to the sixth grade, and for Allah and His mouthpiece to denigrate females to the point where they hate themselves. It is the fear of being outclassed. Women could undo the damage this insecure, misogynous duo have done if they were not enamored with a religion that hates them. UK should consider letting IS members return, terror watchdog says... Since the fall of IS in 2019, thousands of people linked to the group - mostly women and children - have been detained in camps in northern Syria. BBC January 11, 2025 Western governments have a duty to take these women and their children back for not countering, with the truth, the propaganda to which they were exposed! Canada Complicit in Trafficking Teenaged Girls to ISIS Ottawa faces calls to list Islamist group holding conference in Ontario as a terrorist entity. Globe and Mail, January 8, 2025. Please don’t! The fact that Hizb ut-Tahrir feels confident enough to hold a conference in Canada where it is expected to outline how Islamists hope to achieve a caliphate is an opportunity too good to miss. It should not only be allowed to go ahead, but its proceedings broadcast. “Know your enemy” to quote Sun Tzu, and later Clausewitz, is the key to victory. In our case, avoiding a crushing defeat after inviting, without a question being asked, people who believe in the Caliphate. To quote Sam Harris, author of the bestseller End of Faith: The only future devout Muslims can envisage—as Muslims—is one in which all infidels have been converted to Islam, subjugated, or killed. The tenets of Islam simply do not admit of anything but a temporary sharing of power with the "enemies of God." Hostage Is Found Dead in Gaza Tunnel The hostage, Youssef Ziyadne, an Arab Bedouin, was seized along with three grown children on Oct. 7, 2023. Mr. Ziyadne, who was in his 50s, and three of his grown children, were abducted from a kibbutz where he and two of the children had been working during the Hamas-led attack on Israel that ignited the war in Gaza. NY Times January 8, 2025 Allah’s animosity towards the Bedouins, an animosity shared by their modern-day coreligionists in their willingness to take them as hostages, and possibly killing them, goes back to their refusal to accompany His spokesman on a pilgrimage. For their refusal they were denied the spoils of Khaybar. They may have learned their lesson, but were never fully trusted after that, and remain to this day what we might call second-class believers. They even have a grave sin named after them: #29 Becoming A’Arāb after Hijrat, “the condition when a desert Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion turns back to his ignorant ways.” Group readies Centretown mosque in former church and heritage centre, CBC, January 4, 2025 That the Ottawa Citizen has not headlined this story about the conversion of an imposing building into what promises to be an equally imposing mosque, a short distance from Parliament Hill, may indicate a change in the paper’s proselytizing ways. More Topics for a Conversation Bernard Payeur email