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"These are the times that try men's soul," Thomas Paine.

For producers looking to make a difference!

1) Love, Sex & Islam

2) Remembering Uzza

3) Alice Visits a Mosque to Learn About Judgement Day

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COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - 2024 | Israel-Hamas War | O Canada

Fade to Black - October 25, 2024

The CBC as Purveyor of Misinformation About Halal

October 18, 2024

In a posting Fast-food chains serving up halal food with a side of misinformation, expired certificates, October 18, 2024, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation wrote:

In order for food to be considered halal, it must be prepared according to Islamic guidelines. For meat like chicken, beef or lamb, that means the animal must first be in good health and treated humanely.

Halal is the opposite of treating an animal ‘humanely’: The agony of halal | The anthropological impact of killing animals the halal way.

 Three Failures

October 16, 2024

Lately I have been sharing too much with people I barely know, including snippets of my favourite video, that of my late wife’s fiftieth birthday. While pointing her out to my friendly waitress, I mentioned that one of the last things she said to me was that I was the smartest man she had ever met. What a pretentious jerk I imagined her thinking as I left Abby’s Wine Bar. There was no time to provide context, so I will try to do so here.

Three failed career choices is not a sign of a smart person, but a delusional one. The reason I survived my failures was that they did not stop her from believing in me. She knew that after she was gone, there would be no one to encourage me to persevere, and she wanted me to persevere.

My first failure was the result of ignoring the advice of Sophocles who, in Antigone, warned us: “None love the messenger who brings bad news” and informed my superiors, at the then of Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs (Global Affairs), about my discovery of a multi-million dollar fraud on the Canadian taxpayers and being put in an impossible situation.

After my firing, I built a computer application using leading edge Canadian software that I used as my calling card to get customers. My last client was Bell Canada Enterprises for whom, with the help of the smartest manager I have ever met, beat Google to Google, only to have new management abandon the project, and the Canadian government declaring the software that allowed us to do the impossible, to be non-compliant with archaic American standards that it had adopted—a death knell for my for application and my business.

It was after 9/11 when I picked up a copy of the Koran in the hope of understanding what happened that fateful day and deciding to write about it. It is a failure in progress. Lucette would understand.

The Dead Children of Gaza

 October 15, 2024

Thousands of dead children, and counting, from Israeli bombs and guns will not deter Hamas. On December 16, 2014, six Taliban entered a school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar and slaughtered 141 people, including 132 children between eight and eighteen years of age. How a Taliban supporter justified the killing of children:

Human life only has value among you worldly materialistic thinkers. For us, this human life is only a tiny, meaningless fragment of our existence. Our real destination is the Hereafter. We don’t just believe it exists, we know it does. Death is not the end of life. It is the beginning of existence in a world much more beautiful than this. As you know, the [Urdu] word for death is “intiqall.” It means transfer, not end.

Paradise is for those of pure hearts. All children have pure hearts. They have not sinned yet… They have not yet been corrupted by [their kafir parents]. We did not end their lives. We gave them new ones in Paradise, where they will be loved more than you can imagine. They will be rewarded for their martyrdom. After all, we also martyr ourselves with them. The last words they heard were the slogan of Takbeer [Allah U Akbar]. Allah Almighty says himself in Surhah Al-Imran [3:169-170] that they are not dead. You will never understand this. If your faith is pure, you will not mourn them, but celebrate their birth into Paradise.

Sam Harris, Islam and the Future of Tolerance, Harvard University Press, 2015, p. 86



My everyman's writings on the Koran, Muhammad and Islam are part of what, with Lucette's passing, became a solitary campaign against the willful ignorance that will be our undoing.

What happens to boreal.ca after I am gone is one thing, my books quite another. In Remembering Uzza, a character is prosecuted under a law that makes it a criminal offence to cause anyone “dogmatic distress” because of something they said or wrote. Under legislation making its way through Parliament that type of offence will likely become reality.

While Bill C-63 is ostensibly aimed at what is posted online, under new powers granted the Canadian Human Rights Commissioner by the legislation, they will be allowed to entertain and rule on any complaints filed by anyone alleging to have suffered the equivalent of dogmatic distress, including from what has yet to be said or published. My books will definitely cause some readers to experience “dogmatic distress”, especially my latest and last: Fade to Black.

In my last will and testament I have instructed my executor to transfer all my published and unpublished material, including cover art, into the public domain. You will be free to publish any or all of my books under your own label, just give credit where credit is due. To make it easy, contents of all my books is available as web pages and as free downloadable PDFs. You may want to get ready now.


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The Lost Interview