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A combined pitch for three scripts aimed at producers looking to make a difference:

1) Love, Sex and Islam,

2) Remembering Uzza - If Islam Was Explained to Me in a Pub,

3) Alice Visits a Mosque to Learn About Judgement Day.

JIHADI BRIDES Read this before you enlist!

MARTYRS The dead do not have better sex than the living.

MOTHERS Keeping Hell's Fire burning.

TERROR Success stories from the United States, France, Britain, Spain and Canada

FADE TO BLACK (a work in progress)

(Except for the Foreword, the following may be read in any order.)

AFTERWORD Hope Springs Eternal

ANIMAL CRUELTY The agony of halal

BLASPHEMIES Democracy, Liberty and Western Art

CHILDREN Getting the Kids Hooked on the Irrational

DEDICATION First and Last

EPILOGUE The Morning After

FOREWORD Read me first

HAJJ 1 Islam in a nutshell

HAJJ 2 The impossible pillar

HIJABS ETC. The Irrational on Parade

KORAN A largely irrational text not worth killing or dying for.

PRAYERS 1 Origins

PRAYERS 2 Choreographing the Irrational

PROLOGUE Me, two Muslims and Miss B.

RAMADAN The Month of Great Heat

SEX Incentivizing the Irrational With the Promise of Absurd Sex


WESTERN CIVILIZATION Women's bizarre embrace of a religion that hates them may bring it to an end.

ZAKAT The War Tax

Islamic Scriptures as They Relate to Current Events

News Analysis you will not find anywhere else (O=Off-topic)

2023 | Israel-Hamas War | O Canada

Iran’s New President Promises Changes. Can He Deliver? New York Times, July 16, 2024

Not where it really matters, from the rape of children to sodomizing baby girls

Child marriage ban welcomed in Sierra Leone BBC July 2, 2024

In Islam dominated regions these laws are largely ignored with disastrous consequences.

Happy Canada Day from Boreal July 1, 2024

Red and White Chadors on Canada Day | Laments

Female Suicide Bombers: A Terrorist Group’s Hidden Weapon [female] Suicide bombers killed at least 32 people in three attacks in [Gwoza] a Nigerian city once controlled by Boko Haram. BBC July 1, 2024

Uzza on how holy warriors brutalize girls and young women into becoming suicide bombers:

Turning little girls into mass murderers is a challenge, but holy warriors have proven themselves up to the task with little girls increasingly outnumbering little boys as suicide bombers. The transformation usually begins with the rape of god-fearing girls by fighters in Allah's Cause. It is meant to make them feel a heart-breaking guilt for having brought dishonour on their family, a shame so intense that death seems preferable.

Rape makes a shamble of a young girl's fantasy of marrying her prince charming. What nice young man would have her as his beloved bride now that she is no longer a virgin? Only Allah, she is told, can now make her dream come true. Not in the here-and-now, but in the Hereafter, if she has the courage to kill herself and take as many of His enemies as possible with her.

It much easier to get little boys to put on a suicide vest and walk into a crowd and press the button, but there is little fun in that for holy warriors, which may explain the ascendency of little girls. Uzza again:

There will be no old people in Paradise. Muhammad said that no matter your age, you will all be in your early thirties once you get there, You play on every little boy’s fantasy of being all grown up. You tell them that, literally, in a puff of smoke, they can become a man if they are willing to help Allah get rid of the bad people.

Big majority of Canadian Gen Z, millennials support values-testing immigrants: poll Ottawa Citizen, June 25, 2024

There is really only one class of immigrants that poses a serious threat because they will never accept our values and will seek to impose their own. The best way to address this threat which Houda-Pepin, the first Muslim woman elected to the Quebec National Assembly reminds us will further marginalize women, is to rein in religions, in particular one who favours gender apartheid.

It is a segregation [of the sexes] that is done in the public space. We in Québec and in Canada went to the United Nations to denounce apartheid regimes, segregation based on race was unacceptable and I would not accept segregation based on sex because that is what it means, the chadors, the burqas and all these imported ways of dressing which are meant, in the name of freedom of religion, to impose values that are alien and from another century. Freedom of religion, for me, leaves some things to be desired. We will eventually have to confront this reality.

Houda-Pepin from an interviews on Radio-Canada

Tourist accused of blasphemy killed by mob in Pakistan... The mob had gathered after the man was accused of desecrating the Quran. BBC June 21, 2024

Desecrating the Koran in Canada may cause the police to intervene and that's about it for now. Change is in the air with a massive immigration program that, with the blessing of the Supreme Court of Canada, has already made a mockery of a public secular education system.

French athletes wearing the veil (hijab) will be excluded [from Paris Olympics]. RDI June 17, 2024

France will not compromise when it comes to ostentatious display of religious affiliation by its athletes at the Olympics. The ban does not affect foreign athletes. Volleyball anyone?

Statement by the Prime Minister on Eid al-Adha June 15, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario

Trudeau's Eid greeting and comments.

Ottawa has its first night mayor—and he's from Montreal. Ottawa Citizen June 11, 2024

Mathieu Grondin has been tasked with making Ottawa more fun after dark, i.e. more like Montréal. Montréal nightlife was the inspiration for the most informative and entertaining book on Islam you will ever read.

Death cult ISIS chillingly warns of big bloodbath at Paris Olympics Toronto Sun, June 10, 2024

ISIS tried very hard last time around to convince us that Islam is not a religion of peace. A mass casualty event at the Olympics would drive its point home like no other venue can.

Miller increases cap on applications for Palestinians to join relatives in Canada Canadian Press, May 27, 2024

A reminder about how some of the people we will be allowing in were radicalized in Gaza. But, there is a way of keeping the radicals out by asking four simple question.

Terrorism peace bond imposed on Edmonton woman who travelled to Islamic State Toronto Sun, May 22, 2024

Many young women would not have left Canada for Islamic State if the government had been more open and honest about what awaited them. The Canadian government also failed some of the girls, many of whom died, by allowing a foreign agent in its employ, who was made a Canadian citizen for his efforts, to facilitate their transit to ISIS territory.

Iran's President Raisi killed in helicopter crash CNN May 20, 2024

For his role on the so-called death committee during the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners, Raisi became known as the "Butcher of Tehran". My friend Abbas, aka Sohrab, was detained when Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi was in charge of putting down unrest under Khomeini. He was one of hundreds of young people, mostly students, who had been corralled at a protest and herded into a large room at a nearby detention facility. He remembers it as one of the the worst nights of his life.

Saudi king Salman to be treated for lung inflammation Reuters May 19, 2024

Why the King did not look to prophetic medicine for a cure.

Dutch Right-Wing Parties Reach Preliminary Deal to Form a Government NY Times, May 15, 2024.

To reach an agreement Geert Wilders sacrificed two key planks of his party that if widely emulated by Western governments could have slowed, if not stop the triumph of Islam in the West—the subject of our next book.

Time to consider Boreal’s less draconian solution which would make the Koran for adults only, not ban it; and put our faith in a Western education for all children while allowing post-elementary madrassas where mature students could be exposed to Islamic values, not banning the schools altogether.

Aussie teen killed by police was in deradicalization program since causing school explosion Associated Press, May 7, 2024

Deradicalization requires convincing the radicalized that Allah does not want them to go out and kill unbelievers. This is not that easy since Islamic scriptures say otherwise. There may be, however, a surefire way to test if an individual is still a risk.

An Indian woman accused her husband of forcing her to have ‘unnatural sex.’ A judge said that’s not a crime in marriage CNN May 6, 2024

Assuming the plaintiff is referring to anal sex, this is one area where Islamic law offers women some protection.

Why Justin Trudeau's Liberals are introducing 'halal mortgages', Toronto Sun, April 20, 2024

Our Prime Minister is again getting the State to intervene where it has no business. Despite his admiration for a religion that, in the main, does not recognize the separation of Church and State, Trudeau’s halal mortgage announcement may not be doing Muslims any favours by leaving the impression that there are ways around Sharia law. Both Allah and Muhammad foresaw there would be attempts to circumvent the prohibition against paying or charging interest and warned against it.

Allah | Muhammad

Iran says it has no plans to retaliate after drones, presumably launched by Israel, are shot down CBC April 19, 2024

The bombing may have reminded the Ayatollahs of their vulnerability. These prince of Islam are rolling in it because of their control of key sectors of the economy and their cut of the Zakat, the oxymoronic obligatory charity that is collected by their underlings, so-to-speak, the imams. The Koran claims that it is better in the hereafter, but I doubt if any of these billionaires in turbans are willing to test that theory while they have it so good in the here-and-now by getting into a shooting war with a country with a reputation for successfully targeting the people in charge.

Australian teen accused of stabbing wasn't radicalized, Muslim leader says Teen stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the Rev. Isaac Royel during Monday night's Assyrian Orthodox service The Associated Press, April 18, 2024

There is a common ceremony practiced throughout the Muslim world called Khatmi-Qur’an. It is the ceremony to recognize and celebrate a child’s first full reading of the Koranic text. Most children, under their mother's tutelage, mouth or complete the first full reading of the Qur’an between the age of four and seven. Mosques around the world have the equivalent of Sunday school classes to assist the mother in getting her children "to master the proper pronunciation and to read the text clearly from the first verse to the last."

Exposing a child to the cruelty and sadism of the Koran at such an early age, if that was the case here, is bound to have a long-term consequences.

Taliban suspend two TV stations in Afghanistan for neglecting Islamic values Associated Press, April 17, 2024

Islamic values as a way of life.

Mélanie Joly tells Israel to ’take the win’ and not bomb Iran for weekend attack The Canadian Press, April 15, 2024

It is a win for Israel as Iran as not taken full advantage of what the Koran allows.

Israel says confrontation with Iran 'not over'. CNN April 14, 2024

Netanyahu will not stop provoking Iran until he traps the United States into going to war on Israel's behalf.  War is the only way we can rid ourselves of a theocracy that believes it rules and kills by divine dispensation. But, we should do it because it is the right thing to do, not because we have been conned into doing so.

In defiance of the West, the Taliban will stone women in public again... Supreme Leader Mullah Haibatlullah Akhundzada [said:] “You may call it a violation of women’s rights when we publicly stone or flog them for committing adultery because they conflict with your democratic principles … [But] I represent Allah, and you represent Satan.” Globe and Mail April 9, 2024

There is no verse in the official Koran about stoning anyone to death for adultery. Countries that stone women and girls to death for illegal sex do so in accordance with the example of Muhammad or because they subscribe to the theory of the lost verse.

Canadian astronaut says total solar eclipse a rare chance to witness 'cosmic ballet' Canadian Press, April 8, 2024

For some the ballet will be just an illusion. In the Koran, the Moon and the Sun occupy the same orbit. Cleric Mohammed Yusuf, the deceased leader of Boko Haram, Nigeria's largest gathering of holy warriors whose designation literally means “non-Islamic education is a sin” in a 2009 BBC interview was asked about the Koran’s description of space being so much at odds about what we know. He said that space as we know it is all illusion created by Allah to test our faith in what he revealed in His Book, including that the Earth is flat.

Legendary singer Sting perform[ed] his Oscar-nominated song "The Empty Chair" on Anderson Cooper 360... to honor slain journalist James Foley, CNN April 1, 2024

The Darkness putting out the light | What it's like to be executed the Islamic way today

Veterans Affairs Canada trolled for 'politically correct' Easter tweet: 'Happy March holiday season' National Post, March 30, 2024

On Saturday, the Toronto Sun reported that "Prime Minister acknowledges most religious holidays – except Good Friday." The Prime Minister sets the tone. Trudeau may not have wanted to acknowledge Good Friday because of his respect for a constituency that is close to his heart or, just like that constituency, he actually believes it was all an illusion. Veterans Affairs’ erasing of Easter is no worse than what their boss did in ignoring Good Friday.

Canada Post releases new stamp celebrating Muslim festival [of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan] CP24 March 28, 2024

What the stamp will be commemorating is a time when Muhammad and his successors sent believers on expeditions to subjugate unbelievers.

Supreme Court reaffirms religious liberty in Canada (but not Quebec) Court upholds the right of Muslim students to pray at Calgary private school National Post, March 28, 2024

What this means!

Moscow attack: Day of mourning after 133 killed at Crocus City Hall concert BBC March 24, 2024

Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.

Ayatollah Khomeini

Concerts make particularly attractive targets for Islamic terrorists, not only because they attract a crowd of people of all ages enjoying themselves, but a crowd of bona fide sinners. Listening to music or playing musical instruments is 16th of the 50 grave or greater sins; sins where the transgressor will burn in Hell for eternity. What is unusual about this attack is that the terrorists did not continue killing until they themselves were killed for that is how you bypass life in the grave and spontaneously pop into Paradise no questions asked.

3:169 And do not think those who have been killed in the Way of Allah as dead; they are rather living with their Lord, well provided for.

Big moon god block big sun god! Much darkness. Teachers afraid! Cancelling classes due to an eclipse is just teachers’ unions insisting their members resist the notion that they should ever need to work on any day that is in any way special. Chris Selley National Post, March 17, 2024

Isn’t that the point of eclipses, to scare people?

For Muslim women who are isolated, Ramadan can be lonely. An Ottawa group is working to fix that with 'Sisterhood Iftar' Ottawa Citizen March 13, 2024

Not to be disrespectful, but not being able to participate in all that Ramadan has to offer may have some health benefits. The Fast of Ramadan is a misnomer. Ramadan is not so much a fast, which can be beneficial, but a changing of your eating schedule for 30 consecutive days from three balanced meals during the day to one meal after nightfall on which some will you gorge themselves while others pick at it perhaps hoping to avoid the impact on a confused digestive system. You  can eat and drink until morning.

2:187 Eat and drink until you can discern the white thread from the black thread of dawn.

Health concerns would not have been an issue in the hot sunny deserts of Arabia, where the tradition originated, when your daily main meal was after the sun set, for obvious reasons.

Modern-day Islam does make allowance for diabetics and people who must take medicine with food at a specific time of the day. For otherwise healthy people, whose eating schedule was not that of a Torrid Zone desert dweller, constipation is the most common side effect of observing the so-called Fast of Ramadan. The reason why, I was told by a Muslim acquaintance, many stock up on laxatives before the onset of Ramadan.

Muhammad broke his daily fast with a helping of one or more dates, a natural  laxative. In keeping with this tradition, many halal food banks, such as Ottawa's Sadaqa Food Bank, include at least one box of dates in their Ramadan food hamper.

At some latitudes the lateness of the one meal of the day during Ramadan will be even more conducive to an uncooperative colon.

Brendan O’Neill: As Islamist fervour sweeps Britain, critics are shamefully silenced Feb. 27, 2024

The silence of critics may have something to do with Britain, after the 2005 London bombings, passing legislation sheltering Islam from criticism.

Taliban decrees on clothing and male guardians leave Afghan women scared to go out alone, says UN... Over half of the women interviewed for the report felt unsafe leaving the house without a male guardian, or mahram. CityNews Feb. 17, 2024

In the weirdness that is Islam where women are concerned, a lactating female can make any man mahram, i.e. ineligible for marriage therefore eligible to be her male guardian by suckling him.

Woman who fired inside a church allegedly praised Hamas, Hezbollah, Osama bin Laden 'Don’t worry my MUSLIMS brothers I am pass the threat phase. I’m in planning mode. Please don’t message me private trying to stop me,' Genesse Moreno wrote on her Telegram channel on Jan. 3 National Post, Feb. 16, 2024

Why women would join, let alone kill and die for a religion that denigrates them and condemns the vast majority to burn in hell is a mystery.

'It's not a one-time rape. It's happening now': Canadian pleads for the return of her cousin taken by Hamas National Post, Feb. 16, 2024

Sex and the Booty

Italy donates 3D-printed replica of statue destroyed by ISIS to Iraq... Constructed in the ninth century BC, the 5-meter-tall (16-foot) “Bull of Nimrud” was destroyed by ISIS fighters in 2015, CNN Feb. 13, 2024


Terry Glavin: Four months ago, Hamas's bloody pogrom shattered Israeli society... Canada’s own foreign affairs minister, Mélanie Joly, insisted in December that while Hamas can never again be allowed hold power in Gaza, a two-state solution has never been more viable as a consequence of the Hamas attacks, that it’s just a matter of the "right parties at the table to give the right credibility.” Feb. 7, 2024

Another example that terrorism works if you are willing to be brutal enough as the Koran recommends.

9:123 O you who believe, fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them see how harsh you can be. Know that Allah is with the righteous.

U.S. porn actor [Whitney Wright] who advocates for Palestinians visits Iran on trip unacknowledged by Tehran, The Associated Press, Feb. 5, 2024

I wonder if Ms. Wright would be interested in doing porn for good. She is, after all, concerned with saving lives and that is what Love, Sex and Islam is all about. At 32 she would be perfect for the part of Anne.

Muslim council cancels meeting with Trudeau over Gaza funding... “We’re interested in the government taking real tangible action to reduce Islamophobia in this country (and) taking real tangible action to stop the hostilities in the Middle East,” Stephen Brown (CEO of the National Council of Canadian Muslims) said. The Canadian Press Jan. 30, 2024

Alleviating a legitimate fear of Islam.

Anti-Islamophobia envoy warns of chill on freedom of speech in relation to Gaza... “Better government co-ordination would allow more precise measures, Elghawaby argues, weeding out criminal acts of hate targeting any community while preserving their right to speak out.” Canadian Press, Jan 27, 2024

Since Ms. Elghawaby got that high-paying job she has adopted a more balanced speech, and for that we should all be grateful. Weeding out "acts of hate", including hate speech, against any community is a good thing. However, Ms. Elghawaby exhibited a double standard when it came to weeding out hate speech from within her community.

In 2015, the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence issued a report based largely on testimony from prominent Muslims about the threat posed by foreign trained imams. The Committee recommended that “the federal government work with the provinces and the Muslim communities to investigate the options that are available for the training and certification of imams in Canada.”

Ms. Elghawaby, then communications director of the CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)-like National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) would have none of it. In an apoplectic response she misrepresented, not only the testimony of moderate coreligionist but the intent of the recommendation as an attack on the freedom of speech of Muslims.

Saudi Arabia to change alcohol rules... Saudi Arabia is preparing to open its first alcohol store in the capital Riyadh which will serve exclusively non-Muslim diplomats... The rules regulating alcohol quotas for non-Muslim diplomatic missions are being introduced to counter the illicit trade of alcohol goods. CNN Jan. 25, 2024

If, as a Muslim, you may not even enjoy a simple glass of wine with dinner, blame Umar. Until Umar convinced Him otherwise, Allah only asked that believers not attend prayers while drunk,

Islamic group calling for Shariah law cancels Canadian event after U.K. declares it a terrorist entity National Post, Jan. 24,2024

A brief introduction to Sharia Law ! The Muslim who saved us from our ignorant selves

Katherine Brodsky: Growing up in Israel surrounded by suicide bombings left a scar Jan. 20, 2024

The scars are left by men who kill and die on a god’s claim that the dead have better sex than the living. We could seriously diminish the scourge of suicide bombers by telling the young men who are the majority who seek sex through murder and self-immolation the truth about sex in Paradise.

Charlie Hebdo, neuf ans après l’attentat (nine years after the attack) Le Point, Jan. 7, 2024

Remembering the murdered.

ISIS claims responsibility for deadliest attack in Iran since 1979 revolution ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly twin blasts near the burial site of slain military commander Qasem Soleimani in southern Iran CNN Jan. 4, 2024

Remember the Islamic State.

"These are the times that try men's soul," Thomas Paine.

Any study beside that of the Quran is a distraction, except the Hadiths and jurisprudence in the religion. Knowledge is what He [Muhammad] narrated to us, and anything other than that is the whispering of the Satan. Al-Qaeda

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking 1942-2018

My everyman's writings on the Koran, Muhammad and Islam are part of what, with Lucette's passing, became a solitary campaign against the willful ignorance that will be our undoing.

Bernard Payeur email

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